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INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CONSTABLE EVICTIONS AND REMOVALS Court Case # Property Name Landlord / Agent Landlord / Agent Address & Phone Number Tenant Tenant222s Address to be evicted upon receipt of court order Gated? Yes No Gate code: Key Provided Yes No EVICTION INSTRUCTIONS To secure property at the time of eviction, locks must be changed; lock boxes of slip keys used. All methods of entry (doors, windows, etc.) must be secured prior to the Court222s seal being placed on the property. Do not change locks prior to the Deputy222s arrival. All lock changes must be witnessed by the Deputy. Please answer the following questions and complete the required information below before signing: 267Does landlord or agent wish to be present during eviction? Yes No 267Will landlord or agent provide locksmith and locks? Yes No Preferred Locksmith: Locksmith Name and Contact Phone Number IN THE EVENT THE LOCKSMITH SELECTED CANNOT MEET THE DEPUTY CONSTABLE222S SCHEDULE, ANOTHER LOCKSMITH WILL BE CALLED. Please provide the name and cellular phone number of a contact who is authorized to schedule and make decisions on behalf of the owner/management. Name and Cellular Number of Property Contact Please note: The assigned Deputy will contact you no later than 11 AM on the day of the lockout to confirm the eviction and schedule the actual lockout. IMPORTANT: IF CONTACT CANNOT BE MADE WITH THE PERSON NAMED ABOVE BY 11 AM ON DAY OF EVICTION, THE LANDLORD OR REPRESENTATIVE MAY BE REQUIRED TO PAY 275 OF THE ORIGINAL FEE TO HAVE THE EVICTION RESCHEDULED. AN EVICTION MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE COURT ORDER BEING SIGNED AND ISSUED BY THE COURT. Signature of Person Completing Instructions (Required) POSTED TIME DATE COMPLETE TIME DATE American LegalNet, Inc.