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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ORDR _____________________________ Name _____________________________ Address _____________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________ Telephone number/E-mail Address IN PROPER PERSON DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA In the Matter of the Estate of: ) ) ) Case No. P__________ ) ) Dept. No. PC-1 ) Deceased. ) ORDER APPOINTING SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR Upon submission of a verified Ex Parte Petition for Appointment of Special Administrator and for Issuance of Special 16 Letters of Administration, representing as follows: 17 18 19 20 21 1. That Decedent, ______________________________________, died intestate on the ____ day of ___________, 20_____, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada. 2. That Decedent was a resident of Clark County, Nevada, 22 at the time of their death. 23 24 25 26 27 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that _________________ __________________________ is appointed as Special Administrator and that Special Letters of Administration be issued, without bond, to the Petitioner, ______________________________________, 28 -1� T:\PACKETS\FORM � Special Admin Order.doc American LegalNet, Inc. 1 2 3 upon taking the oath of office, for the purpose of administering the estate in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter___ 140.040 (see Exhibit A attached) _______________________________ 4 5 6 7 8 9 ________________________________________________________________ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: (You must one box) All moneys received by this estate will be placed in a blocked account until further order by the court and proof of the blocked account shall be filed with the court within 10 11 12 13 14 15 thirty (30) days from the date of entry of this court order. All moneys received by this estate will be placed in the attorney's trust account until further order by the court. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the settlement of the decedent's 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 lawsuit is subject to this court's approval. DATED this ______ day of ______________________, 20____. _____________________________ District Court Judge Submitted by: ________________________ Name: -2� T:\PACKETS\FORM � Special Admin Order.doc American LegalNet, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A NRS 140.040 Powers, duties and immunity from liability for certain claims. 1. A special administrator shall: (a) Collect and preserve for the executor or administrator when appointed all the goods, chattels and receivables of the decedent, and all incomes, rents, issues, profits, claims and demands of the estate. (b) Take charge and management of the real property and enter upon and preserve it from damage, waste and injury. 2. A special administrator may: (a) For all necessary purposes, commence, maintain or defend actions and other legal proceedings as a personal representative. (b) Without prior order of the court, sell any perishable property of the estate, as provided in NRS 148.170. (c) Exercise such other powers as have been conferred by the order of appointment. (d) Obtain leave of the court to borrow money or to lease or mortgage real property in the same manner as an executor or administrator. 3. A special administrator is not liable: (a) To any creditor on any claim against the estate; or (b) For any claim against the decedent except a claim involving wrongful death, personal injury or property damage if the estate contains no assets other than a policy of liability insurance. [Part 86:107:1941; 1931 NCL � 9882.86]--(NRS A 1971, 647; 1983, 668; 1999, 2276) -3� T:\PACKETS\FORM � Special Admin Order.doc American LegalNet, Inc.