Five-Day Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit The Premises
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Five-Day Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit The Premises Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Clark County.
Tags: Five-Day Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit The Premises, Nevada County, Clark
FIVE- DAY NOTICE TO PAY RENT OR QUIT THE PREMISES TO (Tenant?s Name): FROM (Landlord?s Name): Address: Address: City, State, Zip: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Telephone: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that you are in default in payment of rent for the above-described premises. You are Date rent became DELINQUENT: Amount of rent DUE and DELINQUENT: PURSUANT TO NRS 40.253, THE TENANT IS ADVISED: 1. Of the tenant?s right to contest this matter by filing, within five (5) judicial days, an affidavit with the Henderson Justice Court, stating that the tenant has tendered payment or is not in default in the payment of rent; 2. That if the court determines that the tenant is guilty of an unlawful detainer, the court may issue a summary order for the removal of the tenant or an order providing for the nonadmittance of the tenant, directing the sheriff or constable of the county to remove the tenant within 24 hours after receipt of the order; and 3. That, pursuant to NRS 118A.390, a tenant may seek relief if a landlord unlawfully removes the tenant from the premises or excludes the tenant by blocking or attempting to block the tenant?s entry upon the premises or willfully