Media Request For Electronic Coverage Of Court Proceedings
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Media Request And Order Allowing Camera Access To Court Proceedings Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Clark County.
Tags: Media Request And Order Allowing Camera Access To Court Proceedings, Nevada County, Clark
JUSTICE COURT, LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA , ) ) CASE NO.: Plaintiff, ) DEPT. NO.: ) ) MEDIA REQUEST FOR vs. ) ELECTRONIC COVERAGE ) OF COURT PROCEEDINGS , ) (Form Revision Date: 2/6/19) ) Defendant. ) E-Mail Request to: ) (name), of (media organization), hereby requests permission to begin: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY:) [ ] Audio Broadcasting (live) [ ] Televising (live) [ ] Live - streaming audio and/or video via Internet *For live usage, I hereby acknowledge that Section 8A of the Nevada Constitution grants specific protections to victims of crime and that my media organization will make the following reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of confidential information about victims (for example: 3 - second delay, pixelation, etc.) : I further acknowledge that representatives of my media organization will comply with any specific restrictions that may be imposed by the judge prior to, or during, the court proceeding to be presented live. [ ] Audio Broadcasting ( not live) [ ] Televising (not live) [ ] Recording [ ] Photographing [ ] Other proceedings held in open Court, in the above entitled case, in Department No. , on the day of , 20, at the hour of .M. I hereby certify that I am familiar with, and will comply with, the Nevada RULES ON ELECTRONIC COVERAGE OF COURT PROCEEDINGS (Supreme Court Rules 229-246, inclusive). If this request is being submitted less than twenty-four (24) hours before the above-described proceedings commence, the following facts provide good cause for the Court to grant the request on such short notice: It is further understood that any media camera pooling arrangements shall be the sole responsibility of the media and must be arranged prior to coverage, without asking for the Court to mediate disputes. It is further understood that this request is specific to the above-entitled case only. No other cases on calendar may be broadcast, televised, recorded, photographed, and/or live-streamed without the Dated this day of , 20. SIGNATURE: PHONE: E-MAIL: American LegalNet, Inc.