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JUSTICE COURT, HENDERSON TOWNSHIPCLARK COUNTY, NEVADA ) ) Plaintiff(s), ) ) - vs - ) ) ) Defendant(s). ) ) CASE NO. DEPT. NO. MOTION TO PLACE ON CALENDAR Upon the application of it is hereby requested that the above captioned matter be placed on calendar: 1. To set a trial date or: 2. For hearing or rehearing or: 3. To consider resetting the hearing. LEGAL JUSTIFICATION FOR HEARING, REHEARING OR RESETTING: NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: PHONE #: ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above captioned matter is set for the day of , 20 at in Henderson Justice Court Dept. . at 243 Water Street, Henderson NV 89015 (702) 455-7978 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE DENIED HENDERSON TOWNSHIP CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that service of the MOTION TO PLACE ON CALENDAR was made this day, pursuant to JRCP RULE 5(b) by depositing a copy of the same in the U.S. Mail at Henderson, Nevada, postage prepaid to: JC HENDERSON / DEPUTY CLERK DATE American LegalNet, Inc.