Order For Summary Eviction Non Payment Of Rent
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Order For Summary Eviction Non Payment Of Rent Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Clark County.
Tags: Order For Summary Eviction Non Payment Of Rent, Nevada County, Clark
JUSTICE COURT, HENDERSON TOWNSHIP CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA Owner222s Name: Business Name/DBA: Agent222s Name: Address: Plaintiff/Landlord, - vs - Name: Address: Defendant/Tenant. CASE NO. DEPT NO. ORDER FOR SUMMARY EVICTION NON-PAYMENT OF RENT An application and Affidavit having been filed in the above entitled caused by the above named Plaintiff/Landlord or his duly authorized agent, seeking summary eviction of the above named Defendant/Tenant(s) and it appearing from the record on file herein that the statutory requirements have been met AND it further appearing that the Defendant/Tenant(s) still unlawfully detains and withholds the premises, and the Court being fully advised and finding good cause therefore, It is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Henderson Constable, within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of this Order, using all necessary force as may be required, is hereby authorized to enter upon the premises known generally as: located in the Henderson Township, Clark County, Nevada, and to summarily remove the Defendant/Tenant(s) from the property, and the Plaintiff/Landlord is hereby awarded the right of possession of the premises. DATE: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE NOTICE Any animal left unsupervised will be impounded. Animal Control: 30 ,Henderson, NV 8901 267-4970 JC Henderson Rev. 0/ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com