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Tenants Answer In Opposition To Summary Eviction Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Clark County.
Tags: Tenants Answer In Opposition To Summary Eviction, 110, Nevada County, Clark
JUSTICE COURT, LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP Clark County, Nevada Name and Address of Landlord Case No. Department No. VERSUS Name and Address of Tenant(s) or Occupant(s) TENANT'S ANSWER IN OPPOSITION TO SUMMARY EVICTION Tenant's/Occupant's E-mail Address: Tenant's/Occupant's Phone Number: COMES NOW, the undersigned Tenant and states that: 1. I am the (check one box) [ ] Tenant / [ ] Occupant of rental unit located at (insert complete address of rental unit including city, state and zip code): 2. My rent (check one box) [ ] is / [ ] is not subsidized by a public housing authority or governmental agency. (Complete Section 3 if you are being evicted for nonpayment of rent.) [] 3. I received a five-day notice alleging that I owe rent. I disagree with this notice for the following reasons (check all that apply): [ ] I paid my rent in full (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I offered to pay the rent, but the Landlord refused to accept it explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] My Landlord accepted partial payment of the rent (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I am withholding payment of the rent because Landlord has failed to supply, or make a good faith effort to restore, certain essential services (heat, air conditioning, running or hot water, electricity, gas, a functioning door lock, or another essential item or service) within 48 hours after I gave Landlord written notice of the problem (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I am withholding payment of the rent because Landlord failed to maintain my dwelling unit in a habitable condition and failed to remedy, or make a good faith effort to remedy, the problems within 14 days after I gave Landlord written 1 notice describing the problems (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I am entitled to withhold my rent because I have made repairs to the rental unit and deducted the cost of the repairs from my rent after Landlord failed to remedy the problems within 14 days after I gave Landlord written notice describing the problem (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet 1 To raise this defense in court, you must first deposit your rent into the Court's rent escrow account maintained by the Justice Court Clerk's Office. Original-File Copy-Tenant(s) Copy-Landlord LVJCVL Form -110 Revised 6/13 1 American LegalNet, Inc. [ ] Landlord's five-day notice to me did not comply with Nevada law because it (check all that apply): [ ] Was not served on me as required by NRS 40.280; [ ] Did not identify the court that has jurisdiction over this case; [ ] Did not notify me of my right to contest this matter by filing an affidavit with the court; [ ] Did not notify me that the court may issue a summary order for my removal directing the sheriff or constable to remove me within 24 hours: [ ] Did not notify me of my right to seek expedited relief if Landlord unlawfully removes or excludes me from the premises or interrupts an essential service. [ ] Other defense (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I am in default in the payment of the rent but wish to request unit (explain): days (select up to 10 days) to move from the rental ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet (Complete Section 4 ONLY if you received a Three-Day Notice to Quit for Nuisance.) [] 4. I received a three-day notice pursuant to NRS 40.2514. I disagree with this notice for the following reasons (check all that apply): [ ] The notice alleges that I committed a "nuisance," but the acts described in the notice do not meet the definition of 2 nuisance (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I deny the allegations made in the notice (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] Landlord's notice did not comply with Nevada law because (check all that apply): [ ] One or more of the notices was not served on me as required by NRS 40.280; [ ] The Notice of Unlawful Detainer did not identify the court that has jurisdiction over this case: [ ] The Notice of Unlawful Detainer did not notify me of my right to contest this matter by filing an affidavit with the court; [ ] Other defense (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet (Complete Section 5 ONLY if you received a Five-Day Notice to Perform Lease Condition or Quit.) [] 5. I received a five-day notice stating that I violated my lease agreement. I disagree with this notice for the following reasons (check all that apply): [ ] I did not violate my lease agreement (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet 2 NRS 40.2514(4) defines "nuisance" as "conduct or an ongoing condition which constitutes an unreasonable obstruction to the free use of property and causes injury to other tenants or occupants if that property or adjacent building or structures" or violation of the controlled substance laws in NRS 453.011 to 453.552 2 American LegalNet, Inc. [ ] I have fixed (or "cured") the alleged violation of my lease agreement within three days of Landlord's notice to me (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] Landlord's notices did not comply with Nevada law because (check all that apply): [ ] One or more of the notices was not served on me as required by NRS 40.280; [ ] The Notice to Perform Lease Condition or Quit did not specifically identify the relevant lease provisions, the alleged violations, and what I needed to do to save the lease: did not identify the court that has jurisdiction over this case: [ ] The Notice of Unlawful Detainer did not identify the court that has jurisdiction over this case; [ ] The Notice of Unlawful Detainer did not notify me of my right to contest this matter by filling an affidavit with the court. [ ] Other defense (explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet (Complete Section 6 if you are being evicted based on a 7 or 30-Day "No Cause" Notice.) [] 6. I received a seven-day or thirty-day notice directing me to vacate my rental premises. I disagree with this notice for the following reasons (check all that apply): ): [ ] My lease agreement has not expired and will not expire until (insert date): [ ] My lease agreement has expired, but Landlord renewed my tenancy by accepting rent for a new rental period and/or entering into a new lease agreement explain): ( ) Check if attaching continuation sheet [ ] I received a thirty-day notice to quit and am 60 years of age or older or have a physical or me