Citation To Appear And Show Cause (Guardianship Of Minor)
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Citation To Appear And Show Cause (Guardianship Of Minor) Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Citation To Appear And Show Cause (Guardianship Of Minor), 1395, Nevada County, Washoe
251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Page 1 of 2 226 Citation to Appear and Show Cause (Generic) COURT CODE: 1395 Your Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Email Address: Self-Represented IN THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE In the Matter of the Guardianship of the: Person Estate Person and Estate of: ( name of person who has a guardian) A Protected M inor . CASE NO.: DEPT: CITATION TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE TO: (protected person222s name) (protected person222s attorney222s name) (guardian222s names) ALL KNOWN RELATIVES OF THE PROTECTED PERSON: (Write each relative222s name on a separate line) ANY PERSON HAVING THE CARE, CUSTODY, AND CONTROL OF THE PROTECTED PERSON American LegalNet, Inc. 251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Page 2 of 2 226 Citation to Appear and Show Cause (Generic) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following person(s) (first petitioner222s name) and (second petitioner222s name, or 223n/a224 if none) have filed a petition asking the court to ( check one) Terminate the guardianship; Remove the current guardian; Other: (name of the petition filed) DATE AND TIME OF COURT APPEARANCE (the court clerk will fill this out) YOU ARE DIRECTED TO APPEAR AND SHOW CAUSE why the court should not grant the relief requested on the: day of , 20, the Second Judicial District Court, located at 1 South Sierra Street, -or- 75 Court Street, Courtroom number . This document does not contain the personal information of any person as defined by NRS 603A.040. DATED this day of , 20. JAQUELINE L. BRYANT CLERK OF COURT BY: DEPUTY CLERK NOTE: The guardian(s) and the petitioner(s) must attend the scheduled hearing; all other interested parties do not need to attend unless they want to oppose the relief requested. American LegalNet, Inc.