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Interim Order After Case Management Conference Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Interim Order After Case Management Conference, 2697, Nevada County, Washoe
1 CODE 2697 2 3 4 5 6 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE 7 SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 8 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE 9 10 ______________________________, 11 Plaintiff, Case No. 12 vs. D ept. No. 11 13 ______________________________, 14 Defendant. 15 _______________________________/ 16 INTERIM ORDER AFTER CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE 17 The parties having come before the Court on the _______ day of 18 ____________________, 200____ for a Case Management Conference, 19 The parties have _______ minor child(ren) of this relationship. 20 Child(ren)s names and birth dates: 21 1. ____________________________________________________ 22 2. ____________________________________________________ 23 3. ____________________________________________________ 24 4. ____________________________________________________ 25 The above entitled case is assigned to Track ______. 26 -1- 27 28 American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 2 1 2 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 3 1. Temporary legal custody of the minor child(ren) is awarded to: 4 ______Wife ______Husband ______The parties jointly. 5 2. Temporary physical custody of the minor child(ren) is awarded to: 6 ______Wife ______Husband ______The parties jointly. 7 The temporary custody/visitation schedule is as follows: 8 _________________________________________________________________ 9 _________________________________________________________________ 10 _________________________________________________________________ 11 _________________________________________________________________ 12 _________________________________________________________________ 13 _________________________________________________________________ 14 _________________________________________________________________ 15 _________________________________________________________________. 16 3. Temporary child support in the amount of $__________ shall be paid by 17 ______Wife _______Husband each month, effective _____________, and payable 18 on the _______ of each month thereafter. 19 4. Health insurance coverage shall be maintained for the children by _____Wife 20 _____Husband, and any uncovered medical expenses shall be paid by _____Wife 21 _____Husband _____both parties equally. 22 5. Temporary spousal support in the amount of $__________ shall be paid by 23 ______Wife _____Husband each month, effective _____________, and payable on 24 the _______ of each month thereafter. 25 26 -2- 27 28 American LegalNet, Inc.>>>> 3 1 6. Preliminary attorneys fees in the amount of $___________ is awarded to 2 ________Wife ________Husband, and shall be paid within ______ days of the 3 entry of this Order. 4 7. Temcomporary exclusive possession of the munity home is granted to _____Wife 5 ______Husband. 6 8. Additional relief: ________________________________________________ 7 _________________________________________________________________. 8 The parties are hereby put on notice that the terms of the Hague Convention of October 25, 9 1980, adopted by the 14th Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, apply if 10 a parent abducts or wrongfully detains a child in a foreign country. NR
S 125.510. 11 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ORDER: THE ABDUCTION, CONCEALMENT OR 12 DETENTION OF A CHILD IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS PUNISHABLE AS A 13 CATEGORY D FELONY AS PROVIDED IN NRS 193.130. NRS 200.359 provides that every 14 person having a limited right of custody to a child or any parent having no right of custody to the 15 child who willfully detains, conceals or removes the child from a parent, guardian or other person 16 having lawful custody or a right of visitation of the child in violation of an order of this court, or 17 removes the child from the jurisdiction of the court without the consent of either the court or all 18 persons who have the right to custody or visitation is subject to being punished for a category D 19 felony as provided in NRS 193.130. 20 This Temporary Order is enforceable, and the parties must follow its terms. This Order is 21 based on the information provided at the Case Management Conference. If new or different 22 information is provided, the Court may enter a different order in the future. 23 IT IS SO ORDERED. 24 DATED THIS ______ DAY OF _________________, 200____. 25 ______
__________________ 26 DISTRICT JUDGE 27 -3- 28 American LegalNet, Inc.