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Application For Order To Show Cause Regarding Contempt Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Application For Order To Show Cause Regarding Contempt, 1245, Nevada County, Washoe
REV 5/2018 ER M-8 Motion for Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Code: 2145 Name: Address: Telephone: Email: Self-Represented Litigant IN THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE , Plaintiff / Petitioner / Joint Petitioner, Case No. Dept. No. vs. , Defendant / Respondent / Joint Petitioner. / MOTION FOR AN ORDER TO ENFORCE AND/OR FOR AN ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE REGARDING CONTEMPT I move this Court for an order to enforce current court orders and for an order to show cause why the opposing party should be held in contempt and punished accordingly for violating this Court222s order. ( check one) I tried to resolve this issue with the other party before filing this motion. -OR - I did not try to resolve this issue with the other party before filing this motion. Any attempt to resolve the issue would have been useless or impractical because (explain why you did not try to resolve this issue directly with the other party before filing this motion) If more room is needed, attach additional sheets. American LegalNet, Inc. REV 5/2018 ER M-8 Motion for Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt2 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728POINTS AND AUTHORITIES The refusal to obey a lawful order issued by the court is an act of contempt. NRS 22.010(3). The facts of contempt must be presented to the court through an affidavit. NRS 22.030(2). A person found guilty of contempt may be fined up to $500 for each act of contempt, may be imprisoned for up to 25 days, or both. A person found guilty of contempt may also be required to pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney222s fees, of the person seeking to enforce the order. NRS 22.100. FACTS AND ARGUMENT 1.The Court entered a written order on (date of court order) . The order requires theother party to do the following: (state exactly what the order requires the other party to do): If more room is needed, attach additional sheets. This requirement can be found in the order on page(s) , lines . 2.Notice. ( check one) The other party was served with a copy of the court order on (date) . -OR - The other party knows about the court order because (explain how the other party is aware of the court order) If more room is needed, attach additional sheets. American LegalNet, Inc. REV 5/2018 ER M-8 Motion for Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt3 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627283.The order is not being followed. The other party should be held in contempt for violating theorder. The other party has violated the order by: (state exactly what the other party is doing toviolate the order. Be specific and include dates that the violations happened.) If more room is needed, attach additional sheets. 4.I would like the Court to issue any orders necessary to effectuate compliance with the courtorder. American LegalNet, Inc. REV 5/2018 ER M-8 Motion for Order to Show Cause Regarding Contempt4 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627285.Any Exhibit(s) in support of this Motion are attached.I respectfully ask the Court to grant me the relief requested above, including an award ofattorney222s fees if I am able to retain an attorney for this matter, and any other relief the Court finds appropriate. This document does not contain the personal information of any person as defined by NRS 603A.040. I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Your Signature: Print Your Name: American LegalNet, Inc. Rev. 10/24/2002 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE * * * ) ) ) ) vs. ) ) ) ) ) ) FAMILY DIVISION MOTION/OPPOSITION NOTICE (REQUIRED) CASE NO. DEPT. NO. NOTICE: THIS MOTION/OPPOSITION NOTICE MUST BE ATTACHED AS THE LAST PAGE to every motion or other paper filed to modify or adjust a final order that was issued pursuant to chapter 125, 125B or 125C of NRS and to any answer or response to such a motion or other paper. A. Mark the CORRE CT ANSWER with an X . YES NO 1 . Has a final decree or custody order been entered in this case? If yes , then continue to Question 2. If no , you do not need to answer any other questions. 2 . Is this a motion or an opposition to a motion filed to cha nge a final order? If yes , then continue to Question 3. If no , you do not need to answer any other questions. 3. Is this a motion or an opposition to a motion filed only to change the amount of child support? 4. Is this a motion or an oppositio n to a motion for reconsideration or a new trial and the motion was filed IF the answer to Question 4 is YES , write in the filing date Date B. If you answered NO to ei ther Question 1 or 2 or YES to Question 3 or 4, you are exempt from the filing fee. However, if the Court later determines you should have paid the filing fee, your motion will not be decided until the fee is paid. I affirm that the answers provided on this Notice are true. Date: , Signature: Print Name: Print Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc. INDEX OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description Exhibit Number Number of Pages Exhibit Description American LegalNet, Inc.