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Motion For Temporary Custody And Child Support Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Motion For Temporary Custody And Child Support, 2220, Nevada County, Washoe
1 CODE: 2220 Name: 2 Address: 3 Telephone: 4 Acting in Proper Person 5 6 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION 7 OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 8 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE 9 10 Plaintiff, Case No 11 12 vs. Dept. No. 13 14 Defendant. ________________________________/ 15 16 MOTION FOR TEMPORARY CUS TODY AND CHILD SUPPORT 17 , acting in proper person, moves this Court for an (Your Name) 18 Order granting me temporary custody of the following minor children: 19 NAME A GE 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 b een paying towards the (The other partys name) (has or has not) 27 support of the children in the amount of $ per . 28 // (If the other party has been paying towards the support of the children, state the amount per week or month. If the other party has not been paying, print not applicable in the spaces.) Ct. App. 7/99 1 >>>> 2 1 This Motion is made and based on the attached Points and Authorities, my Affidavit and 2 the pleadings, papers and records on file including my Financial Declaration. 3 DATE: 4 __________________________________ ( Signature) 5 6 7 8 ( Address) 9 10 (Telephone) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ct. App. 7/99 2 >>>> 3 1 POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 2 The other party and I separated on and the children have lived with (Date of Separation) 3 since the date of . (Name of Person with whom children live) 4 has had the mpriary lresponsibiity for the care of the children (Name of person that has beene t primh ary caretaker of the children) 5 since . (State date or period of time person named hs been thae primary caretaker of the children) 6 I believe it is in the best interests of the children for this Court to enter an Order granting 7 me temporary physical custody of the children because: 8 F ully explain why you should be granted temporary physical custody of the child(ren) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (If more room is needed, attached additional sheets of paper but be sure to write only on one side and identify it clearly as a continuation of this answer) Ct. App. 7/99 3 >>>> 4 1 i s a t this time. (The r othepartys name) (Employed or unemployed) 2 3 If the other party is employed, answer the following questions. If the other party is unemployed, print not applicable in the blanks and go on to the next section. 4 5 is employed by (The other partys name) (Employer of other party) 6 and has been employed there for . (State how many weeks, months, years) 7 8 e arns $ p er he ot (T her partys name) (Amount) (Hour, week, month, year) 9 10 Answer the following only if the other person is unemployed. If you have answered the 11 questions above, then print not applicable in the spaces in this
section. 12 13 has been unemployed since (Other partys name) (Date of last employment) 14 At that time, was employed by and earning (He or she) (Name of last employer) 15 $ per . (Amount) (Hour, week, month, year) 16 collecting unemployment at this time. (Other partys name) is (Is noot) r 17 collecting Social Security Benefits at (Other partys name) is (Is noot) r 18 this time. 19 At the present time, I receng wivi elfare benefits for the children. (Am or am not) 20 If you are receiving welfare benefits for the child(ren), state what benefits you are receiving. If 21 you are not receiving benefits, print not applicable in the space below. 22 23 24 25 At the present time I have a child support action filed with the District Attorneys 26 Office, Family Support Division. 27 I am requesting that this Court enter an order granting me temporary custody of the 28 children and temporary child support in the amount of $ per month. Ct. App. 7/99 4 >>>> 5 1 I am requesting that this Court enter an order stating that the child support payment be due 2 and payable to me on or before the day of each month. 3 The following is the Law regarding temporary custody and child support, as I understand 4 it. 5 LAW 6 Nevada Revised Statue 125.510 gives this Court the jurisdiction to enter temporary child 7 custody and child support orders. 8 Nevada Revised Statue 125.040 specifically gives this Court the jurisdiction to enter 9 temporary child support orders. 10 It is under these laws that I request temporary child custody and temporary child support. 11 DATE: 12 13 __________________________________ 14 ( Signature) 15 ( Address) 16 17 18 (Telephone Number) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ct. App. 7/99 5 >>>> 6 1 AFFIDAVIT 2 STATE OF NEVADA ) COUNTY OF WASHOE ) ss. 3 4 I, , being first duly sworn under oath and the penalties 5 of perjury, state that the assertions of this affidavit are true. 6 1. That I am the in the case before this Court. 7 2. That I have read the attached Motion For Temporary Custody and Temporary Child 8 Support and that I am the one that filed out the information in the Motion. 9 3. That the information contained in the Motion is true of myown knowledge except for 10 those things I stated that I believe to be true but have no actual proof of their truth. As for those 11 things, although I do not actually know them to be true, I believe them to be true. 12 DATE: 13 __________________________________ 14 ( Signature) 15 ( Address) 16 17 18 (Telephone Number) 19 20 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me 21 this ______ day of ____________, _______. 22 23 _____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC 24 25 26 27 28 Ct. App. 7/99 6 >>>> 7 1 CODE: 3720 Name: 2 Address: 3 Telephone: 4 Acting in Proper Person 5 6 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION 7 OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 8 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE 9 10 Plaintiff (Petitioner), Case No 11 12 vs. Dept. No. 13 14 Defendant (Respondent). ________________________________/ 15 16 AFFIDAVIT 17 STATE OF NEVADA ) 18 COUNTY OF WASHOE ) ss. 19 I, , being first duly sworn under oath and the penalties (Your Name) 20 of perjury, state that the assertions of this affidavit are true. 21 1. That I am: (check the appropriate blank) 22 a party in this action and am appearing in proper person. 23 a person not involved in this action and have no interest in this action and 24 am over the age of 18 years. 25 2. That on the day of , , I served a true and correct copy of 26 the document(s) entitled: 27 28 (Clearly list all documents you served on the other party) Ct. App. 7/99 1 >>>> 8 1 in the follo