Notice Of Hearing Guardianship{2550}
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Notice Of Hearing On Motion For Modification Of Guardianship Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Notice Of Hearing On Motion For Modification Of Guardianship, 2550, Nevada County, Washoe
251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Notice of Hearing COURT CODE: 2550 Your Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Email Address: Self-Represented IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE In the Matter of the Guardianship of the: Person Estate Person and Estate of: ( name of person who has a guardian) A Protected Person. CASE NO.: DEPT: NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that (petitioner222s name) and (second petitioner222s name or 223n/a224) , filed in the above-entitled Court a Petition for (title of petition) ; that a hearing on these matters has been set for the (court clerk will insert details) day of , 20, at a.m. / p.m., at the courthouse of the Second Judicial District Court, located at 1 South Sierra Street, Reno, Nevada 89501 226 or 226 75 Court Street, Reno, Nevada 89501, Courtroom number . Further details concerning these matters can be obtained by reviewing the documents on file at the office of the Clerk of Court. You may appear at the hearing date above. This document does not contain the personal information of any person as defined by NRS 603A.040. DATED (month) (day) , 20. Submitted By: (your signature) (print your name) American LegalNet, Inc.