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REV 12/2017 JCB D9 ORDER 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Other Parent222s Name Parent222s Name Code: 2867 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE , Case No. and Dept. No. , Joint Petitioners. / ORDER ESTABLISHING CUSTODY, VISITATION AND CHILD SUPPORT This Court having considered the Joint Petition to Establish Custody and Visitation and all of the papers and pleadings on filed, finds as follows: 1. That all of the allegations contained in the documents on file are true; 2. That all of the requirements of NRS 125A.050 have been met; 3. That this Court has the necessary UCCJA, UCCJEA and PKPA initial and continuing jurisdiction to enter orders regarding child custody and visitation on the following children of the union and hereby exercises said jurisdiction; and 4. That petitioners have entered into an agreement settling all issues regarding the care, custody, visitation, health insurance, and child support of the child(ren) over which this Court has jurisdiction, said agreement being in the best interest of the child(ren), and petitioners have requested that their agreement, as set forth in their joint petition be ratified, confirmed and incorporated into this order as though fully set forth herein. American LegalNet, Inc. REV 12/2017 JCB D9 ORDER 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the agreement, as it is stated in the Petitioners222 Joint Petition, regarding the care, custody, visitation, health insurance, and child support of the child(ren) over which this Court has jurisdiction, is hereby ratified, confirmed, and incorporated into this Order here in. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND THE PARTIES ARE PUT ON NOTICE that they are subject to the requirements of the following Nevada Revised Statutes: NRS 125C.0045(6) regarding abduction, concealment or detention of a child: PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ORDER: THE ABDUCTION, CONCEALMENT OR DETENTION OF A CHILD IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS PUNISHABLE AS A CATEGORY D FELONY AS PROVIDED IN NRS 193.130. NRS 200.359 provides that every person having a limited right of custody to a child or any parent having no right of custody to the child who willfully detains, conceals or removes the child from a parent, guardian or other person having lawful custody or a right of visitation of the child in violation of an order of this court, or removes the child from the jurisdiction of the court without the consent of either the court or all persons who have the right to custody or visitation is subject to being punished for a category D felony as provided in NRS 193.130. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the terms of the Hague Convention of October 25, 1980, adopted by the 14th Session of the Hague Conference on Private International law, apply if a parent abducts or wrongfully retains a child in a foreign country. The parties are also put on notice of the following provisions in NRS 125C.0045(8): If a parent of the child lives in a foreign country or has significant commitments in a foreign country: (a) The parties may agree, and the court shall include in the order for custody of the child, that the United States is the country of habitual residence of the child for the purposes of applying the terms of the Hague Convention as set forth in subsection 7. (b) Upon motion of one of the parties, the court may order the parent to post a bond if the court determines that the parent poses an imminent risk of wrongfully removing or concealing the child outside the country of habitual residence. The bond must be in an amount determined by the court and may be used only to pay for the cost of locating the child and returning the child to his or her habitual residence if the child is wrongfully removed from or concealed outside the country of habitual residence. The fact that a parent has significant commitments in a foreign country does not create a presumption that the parent poses an imminent risk of wrongfully removing or concealing the child. American LegalNet, Inc. REV 12/2017 JCB D9 ORDER 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NRS 125C.006 regarding relocation with minor children 1. If primary physical custody has been established pursuant to an order, judgment or decree of a court and the custodial parent intends to relocate his or her residence to a place outside of this State or to a place within this State that is at such a distance that would substantially impair the ability of the other parent to maintain a meaningful relationship with the child, and the custodial parent desires to take the child with him or her, the custodial parent shall, before relocating: (a) Attempt to obtain the written consent of the noncustodial parent to relocate with the child; and (b) If the noncustodial parent refuses to give that consent, petition the court for permission to relocate with the child. NRS 125C.0065 regarding relocation with minor children 1. If joint physical custody has been established pursuant to an order, judgment or decree of a court and one parent intends to relocate his or her residence to a place outside of this State or to a place within this State that is at such a distance that would substantially impair the ability of the other parent to maintain a meaningful relationship with the child, and the relocating parent desires to take the child with him or her, the relocating parent shall, before relocating: (a) Attempt to obtain the written consent of the non-relocating parent to relocate with the child; and (b) If the non-relocating parent refuses to give that consent, petition the court for primary physical custody for the purpose of relocating. NRS 125.007 regarding the collection of child support payments through mandatory wage withholding or assignment of income. NRS 31A regarding the enforcement of a child support obligation and the collection of delinquent child support. NRS 125B.145 regarding the review of child support at any time due to changed circumstances and at least every three years following the entry of the child support order. Date: DISTRICT JUDGE Respectfully Submitted: Date: Petitioner 1 Signature: Petitioner 1 Print Name: Date: Petitioner 2 Signature: Petitioner 2 Print Name: American LegalNet, Inc.