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Order Regarding Parenting Classes Mediation And Additional Orders Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Order Regarding Parenting Classes Mediation And Additional Orders, 3370, Nevada County, Washoe
1 CODE 3370 2 3 4 5 6 IN THE FAMILY DIVISION 7 OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA 8 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE 9 10 _____________________________, 11 Plaintiff, 12 vs. C ase No. 13 _____________________________, Dept. No . 11 14 Defendant. 15 _______________________________/ 16 ORDER REGARDING PARENTING CL ASSES, MEDIATION, AND ADDITIONAL 17 ORDERS 18 The parties having come before the Court on the ________ day of ________________, 19 200___ for a case management conference, 20 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 21 ________ That good cause appearing, the parties to this action are directed to attend the 22 workshop, "Helping Children Through the Changing of the Family" offered by 23 the Family Alliance of Reno. Each party shall contact the Family Alliance at 24 (775) 322-1957, within five (5) days of receipt of this Order to schedule the 25 workshop, unless good cause is shown why participation is inadvisable.
26 -1- 27 28 >>>> 2 1 The Family Alliance will notify the court of your attendance. A small fee will be 2 charged for this workshop, which may be waived in case of indigency. 3 ________ That the above entitled action is subject to mediation pursuant to Washoe 4 District Court Rule 53, and the Court directs the parties to participate in such 5 mediation. Wherefore, GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, the parties are HEREBY 6 ORDERED to contact the Family Mediation Program, Phone: 328-3814, Phil 7 Bushard, DPA, within three (3) judicial days to schedule an orientation and initial 8 mediation conference. 9 NOTE: The parties may, as an alternative, agree to employ a private 10 mediator. If both parties choose to enter private mediation, then it is your 11 responsibility to have the mediator obtain the appropriate form from the clerks 12 office, fill it out and submit it to the Judge within ten (10) days. The private 13 mediator must provide verification to the Court that a conference has been set 14 up between the parties. The Court must also be provided with the mediators 15 qualifications before any mediation occurs between the parties and the mediator 16 must fothose which call for a prompt mediation llow certain guidelines, especially 17 process. The Court reserves the right to reject the parties private mediator and 18 order the parties to contact the Family Mediation Program. However, every 19 effort will be made to accommodate private mediation if that is your joint 20 decision. If the mediator does not provide the aforementioned information to the 21 Court within ten (10) days of this order, then the Family Mediation Program will 22 set up an orientation and initial conference between the parties. 23 Any costs incurred shall be shared by the parties. Parties that are provided 24 services by the Family Mediation Program shall pay fees according to a policy 25 established by the Court. 26 Where circumstances warrant, the mediator may arrange for there to be 27 -2- 28 >>>> 3 1 telephonic mediation. Pursuant to WDCR 53 (13), any party may move for an 2 exemption to mediation. 3 ________ That the above entitled action is an inappropriate case for mediation pursuant to 4 WDCR 53(14). 5 Additional Orders: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 IT IS SO ORDERED. 14 DATED THIS ______ DAY OF _________________, 200___. 15 16 ________________________ 17 DISTRI
CT JUDGE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -3- 28