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Petition For Guardianship Of An Adult Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Petition For Guardianship Of An Adult, Nevada County, Washoe
251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Page 1 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult COURT CODE: 3440 Your Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Email Address: Self-Represented IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHOE In the Matter of the Guardianship of: Person Estate Person and Estate of: ( name of adult alleged to need a guardian) A Proposed Protected Person. CASE NO.: DEPT: PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN(S) OVER ADULT Petitioner(s) (first petitioner222s name) and (second petitioner222s name; or 223n/a224 if only one) request the Court approve a guardianship for the above-named adult. In accordance with Chapter 159 of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Petitioner(s) respectfully represents the following to this Honorable Court: Information Regarding the Proposed Protected Person (the person you are seeking a guardianship over, or the 223adult224) 1. Adult222s full legal name: . 2. Adult222s date of birth: ; current age: . 3. Address. Adult222s residence address: Address City, State, Zip Code American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult Adult222s mailing address (if different than residence address): Address City, State, Zip Code 4. Residency. The adult named above has been a resident of the State of (state) since (date) and has lived at the above address since (date) . 5. Caretaker. The adult in need of a guardianship is currently under the care of: Name Address City, State, Zip Code The care provider above is caring for the adult because: 6. Medicaid. Does the adult receive Medicaid, or has the adult ever received Medicaid? ( check one) Yes No 7. Need for Guardianship. The adult needs a guardian because (explain in detail): . American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult 8. Alternatives. What less restrictive alternatives have been tried before filing this request? ( check all that apply) Supported Decision Making Agreement Power of Attorney Power of Attorney for People with Intellectual Disabilities Representative Payee Designation Microboard / Circle of Friends Other: Explain why the items marked above are not working: 9. Powers Requested. If appointed, what specific powers, if any, would the guardian need? (explain if the guardian will need the ability to manage investments, loans, handle business transactions, sell property, etc.) 10. Voting Rights: ( check one) The adult should keep his/her right to vote. The adult does not have the mental capacity to vote because he/she cannot communicate, with or without accommodations, a specific desire to participate in the voting process. 11. Firearms/Guns: ( check one) The adult should be allowed to possess a firearm. The adult should not be allowed to possess a firearm. The adult is a danger to him/herself or others because of a mental condition, or the adult does not have the capacity to contract or manage his/her own affairs because of a mental condition. 12. Driving: ( check one) The adult should be allowed to drive. The adult should not be allowed to drive. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 4 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult 13. The adult ( check one) is is not a party to any pending criminal or civil lawsuit. Explain if the adult is a party to litigation: 14. This guardianship ( check one) is is not sought for the purpose of initiating a lawsuit. Explain if guardianship is sought to initiate lawsuit: 15. Abuse/Neglect Report: ( check one) The guardianship IS NOT requested because of an investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of the adult. The guardianship IS requested because of an investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of the adult. The investigating agency is (name of agency) , which is ( check one) law enforcement a state agency a county agency. 16. Documents. The adult executed the following documents, copies of which will be filed with this Petition: ( check all that apply) Written nomination of guardian. The nominated guardian is (name of person nominated to serve as guardian) . NOTICE: The Court will check the Nevada Secretary of State Lockbox to determine if a guardian has already been designated by the proposed protected person. Durable power of attorney for financial matters. The agent is Durable power of attorney for health care. The agent is Revocable or living trust. The agent is None of the above. Unknown if the adult has executed any of the above documents. *Copies of any of the above should be submitted confidentially to the Court for review. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 5 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult 17. Assets. The value of the proposed person222s assets is estimated at: ( check one) Less than $10,000. If the guardianship is granted, the court should treat this case as 223summary administration224 and not require annual accountings or a final accounting. More than $10,000. Information Regarding the Petitioner 18. Full legal name: . 19. Date of birth: ; current age: . 20. Relationship to adult in need of a guardian: . If you are the spouse, the date of marriage was: (date) . 21. Residence address: Address City, State, Zip Code Mailing address (if different than residence address): Address City, State, Zip Code 22. Nomination of Guardian: ( check one) I want to be the guardian over the adult. I am competent and capable of acting as guardian of the proposed protected person and consent to act in this capacity. I do not want to be the guardian. Instead, the Court should appoint (insert name) to be the guardian over the adult. (if you selected this option, skip ahead to #31) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 6 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult 23. If you do not live in the State of Nevada: ( check one) A person or care provider in this State is providing continuing care and supervision for the adult; The adult is in a secured residential long-term care facility in this State; The guardian will move to the State of Nevada within 30 days of appointment; or The proposed protected person will move to the guardian222s state of residence within 30 days of appointment. [NOTE: If a nonresident is appointed as guardian for an adult, the guardian must designate a registered agent in the State of Nevada in the same manner as a represented entity pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 77.] 24. Qualifications. (Answer each item listed; 223Has224 answers must be explained) The Petitioner: ( check one for each) has has not been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude, a crime involving domestic violence or a crime involving the abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of a child, his or her spouse, his or her parent or any other adult. Explain if Yes: has has never been convicted of a felony. Explain if Yes: Petitioner was convicted of (describe conviction) Petitioner ( check one) was / was not placed on parole and ( check one) has has never been suspended for misconduct or disbarred from the practice of law, the practice of accounting or any other profession which involves the management or sale of money, investments, securities or real property and requires licensure in Nevada or any other state. Explain if Yes: has has not filed for bankruptcy within the past 7 years. is is not a party to pending criminal or civil litigation. Explain if Yes: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 7 of 11 226 Petition for Appointment of Guardian Over an Adult Information Regarding the Co-Petitioner Not Applicable (check if there is only one proposed guardian, and go to #31) 25. Full legal name: . 26. Date of birth: ; current age: . 27. Relationship to adult in need of a guardian: . If you are the spouse, the date of marriage was: (date) . 28. Residence address: Address City, State, Zip Code Mailing address (if different than residence address): Address City, State, Zip Code 29. Nomination of Guardian: ( check one) I want to be the guardian over the adult. I am