Authorization to Represent
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Authorization to Represent Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Authorization to Represent, Nevada County, Washoe
IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF RENO TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF WASHOE, STATE OF NEVADA THE STATE OF NEVADA, Plaintiff, vs Citation No.__________________________ or Case No.____________________________ Department No._______________________ Defendant. __________________________________/ AUTHORIZATION TO REPRESENT I, _______________________________________________________, Defendant above-named, hereby authorize my attorney, __________________________________________, Esq. to represent me at ______________________________________________________in this case and hereby request that (arraignment, trial, plea, all stages, etc.) the Court approve this authorization. ____________________________________ DATED __________________________________________ DEFENDANT The Court has reviewed the foregoing AUTHORIZATION TO REPRESENT. Pursuant to NRS 178.388, the Court hereby: approves Defendant's request. denies Defendant's request. __________________________________________ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Revised 07/13 American LegalNet, Inc.