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Summons Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Washoe County.
Tags: Summons, Nevada County, Washoe
IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF RENO TOWNSHIP COUNTY OF WASHOE, STATE OF NEVADA One South Sierra Street 226 Reno, NV 89501 (775) 325-6501 Case No. Dept. No. Plaintiff, Vs. SUMMONS Defendant, You are summoned to appear in this case by filing an answer or other pleading within 20 days after service of this summons. Do not count the day of service. There is a $71.00 filing fee. If you don222t, default may be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.* This summons does not set a court date. For the first court date you will receive a separate notice. File your answer with the Court and serve it on the plaintiff or the plaintiff222s attorney, if there is one. Attorney for Plaintiff Justice of the Peace, Reno Township Address Dexter Thomas Phone Number By: Clerk of the Court DATED STATE OF ) ) SS. CERTIFICATE OR AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE COUNTY OF) The undersigned peace officer certifies**, (or if not a peace office, the undersigned, being first duly sworn says) the undersigned was, on the day he served this Summons, an adult citizen of the U.S. and not a party to nor interested in the action; the undersigned personally served the same upon the defendant by showing the original Summons and delivering a copy of the Summons attached to a copy of the Complaint 1. To the Defendant, NAME OF THE DEFENDANT personally on . DATE 2. To , by serving NAME OF THE DEFENDANT NAME OF PERSON SERVED Whose relationship to defendant is (adult co-resident, resident agent,, other description showing person authorized by law to receive service) at (address where service was made) Person served was of suitable age. Service was made at defendant222s place of residence on . DATE. Subscribed and Sworn to before me on . Signature of Person Making Service NOTARY PUBLIC *When service is by publication, insert a brief statement of the object of the action. See Rule 4. **Peace officer need not sign before a notary, others must. American LegalNet, Inc.