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Writ Of Execution Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Writ Of Execution, Nevada Federal, Bankruptcy Court
1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA* * * * * * Bankruptcy No.: Chapter WRIT OF EXECUTIONTO THE UNITED STATES MARSHAL FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEVADA:On , a judgment was entered in the docket of the above entitledCourt and action, in favor of , as Judgment Creditor, and against, as Judgment Debtor, for:$ Principal$ Attorney Fees$ Interest, and$ costs, making a total amount of$ JUDGMENT AS ENTERED Name, Address, Telephone No., Bar Number, Fax No. & E-mail address In re:Debtor. Plaintiffv. Defendant(s) )))))))))))))))) American LegalNet, Inc. 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526 $ Accrued interest, and$ Accrued costs and fees, making a total of$ ACCRUED INTEREST, COSTS AND FEESCredit must be given for payments and partial satisfaction in the amount of:$ Which is to be first credited against the total accrued interest, costsand fees, with any excess credited against the Judgment as entered, leaving a netbalance of$ ACTUALLY DUE on the date of issuance of this writ, of which (Clerk to Complete)$ Is due on the Judgment as entered, and bears interest at %per annum, in the amount of $ PER DAY, from the date of entry ofthe judgment to the date of issuance of this writ, to which must be added the accruedcosts and fees and the commissions and cost of the officer executing this writ. (Interestrate and mount per day to be completed by attorney.)Notice by mail of the sale under the writ of execution G has or G Has not been requested. Thefollowing named persons have requested such notice of sale:NAMEADDRESS YOU ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED to satisfy the said Judgment with interest and costas provided by law and your costs and disbursements out of the personal property of said debtor,except that for any period, 75 percent of the disposable earnings of the debtor during this period orfor each week of the period 30 times the minimum hourly wage prescribed by section 6 (a)(1) ofthe Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 [29 USC 206 (a) (1)], and in effect at the time theearnings are payable, whichever is greater, is exempt from any levy of execution pursuant to thiswrit, and if sufficient personal property cannot be found, then out of his real property; or if theJudgment be a lien upon real property, then out of the real property belonging to such debtor, andmake return of this writ within not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days after yourreceipt thereof with what you have done endorsed hereon. Date:U.S. Bankruptcy CourtMary A. Schott, Clerk of CourtDeputy ClerkWHEREAS, according to an affidavit and request for issuance of write of execution filed herein, itappears that further sums have accrued since the entry of judgment, to writ: American LegalNet, Inc.