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County, NevadaCase No. I. Part y Information (provide both home and mailing addresses if different)Plaintiff(s) (name/address/phone):Defendant(s) (name/address/phone):Attorney (name/address/phone):Attorney (name/address/phone):II. Nature of Controvers y (please select the one most applicable filing type below)Landlord/TenantNegligenceOther TortsUnlawful Detaine r Auto Product Liabilit y Other Landlord/Tenan t Premises Liability Intentional MisconductTitle to PropertyOther NegligenceEmployment TortJudicial ForeclosureMalpracticeInsurance TortForeclosure Mediation AssistanceMedical/DentalOther Tor t Other Title to PropertyLegalOther Real PropertyAccountingCondemnation/Eminent DomainOther MalpracticeOther Real Propert y Probate (select case type and estate value)Construction DefectJudicial ReviewSummary AdministrationChapter 40Petition to Seal RecordsGeneral AdministrationOther Construction Defec t Mental Competenc y Special AdministrationContract CaseNevada State Agency AppealSet Aside ( ) Surviving SpouseUniform Commercial CodeDepartment of Motor VehicleTrust/ConservatorshipBuilding and ConstructionWorker's Compensation Other ProbateInsurance CarrierOther Nevada State Agency Estate ValueCommercial InstrumentAppeal OtherCollection of AccountsAppeal from Lower Cour t Employment ContractOther Judicial Review/AppealOther ContractCivil WritOther Civil FilingWrit of Habeas CorpusWrit of ProhibitionCompromise of Minor's Clai m Writ of MandamusOther Civil WritForeign JudgmentWrit of Quo WarrantOther Civil MattersSignature of initiating party or representativeCivil Case Filing Types Greater than $300,000 $200,000-$300,000 $100,001-$199,999 $25,001-$100,000 $20,001-$25,000 $2,501-20,000 $2,500 or lessDISTRICT COURT CIVIL COVER SHEET(Assigned by Clerk's Office)See other side for family-related case filings.ProbateTortsReal PropertyConstruction Defect & Contract Civil WritOther Civil FilingDateBusiness Court filings should be filed using the Business Court civil coversheet.Judicial Review/Appeal N evada AOC - Research Statistics Uni t Pursuant to NRS 3.275Form PA 201Rev 3.1 American LegalNet, Inc.