Judicial Financial Disclosure Statement
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Judicial Financial Disclosure Statement Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Administrative Office Of The Courts Statewide.
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Tags: Judicial Financial Disclosure Statement, Nevada Statewide, Administrative Office Of The Courts
(Rev. 3/22/16) Financial Disclosure Statement226Page JUDICIAL FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 20 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.Name 2.Title 3.Mailing address 4.Length of residence in Nevada 5.County in which you are registered to vote 6.Length of residence in the county in which you are registered to vote COMPENSATION FOR EXTRA-JUDICIAL ACTIVITIES 7.Judges, and not their spouses or domestic partners, must disclose the date, place, and nature of any extra-judicial activity for which you received compensation, the name of the payor, and the amount or value of thecompensation so received. See Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 3.15 (A)(1). NRS 281A.070 definescompensation to mean, 223any money, thing of value or economic benefit conferred on or received by any personin return for services rendered, personally or by another.224 Attach additional sheets if necessary.Date Nature and Place of Activity Name of Payor Amount American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com (Rev. 3/22/16) Financial Disclosure Statement226Page GIFTS, BEQUESTS, FAVORS, OR LOANS 8.Judges, and not their spouses or domestic partners, must disclose the date, place, name of the donor, amount,and nature of any gift, bequest, favor or loan to you if its value exceeded $200. See Code of Judicial ConductRule 3.15(A)(2). In completing this section, please review all provisions of Code of Judicial Conduct Rule3.13. Attach additional sheets if necessary.Date Name and Place of Gift Name of Donor Amount 9.Disclose the date, reimbursement of expenses or waiver of fees or charges on your behalf or on behalf of yourspouse, domestic partner, or guest if its value exceeded $200. See Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 3.15(A)(3).In completing this section, please review all provisions of Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 3.14. Attachadditional sheets if necessary.Date Fees or Charges Waived Source or Reimbursement or Waiver Amount or Expenses Reimbursed I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS TRUE AND COMPLETE. Date Signature State Court Administrator Attn: Cynthia Sampson Administrative Office of the Courts 201 S. Carson Street, Suite 250 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4702 Telephone: (775) 684-1744 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com