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Application For Certificate Of Compliance Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Department Of Taxation Statewide.
Tags: Application For Certificate Of Compliance, LT 01, Nevada Statewide, Department Of Taxation
LT 01 1 11/3/2017 NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION 1550 COLLEGE PARKWAY STE. 115 CARSON CITY NV 89706 (775) 684-2125 or (775) 684-2126APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SUBMIT $50.00 FEE IN US FUNDS FOR CURRENT FISCAL YEAR JULY 1 TO JUNE 30 A COPY OF FEDERAL BASIC PERMIT OR BREWERS NOTICE MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION 1 Name of Company: Phone No: 2 DBA, if any: F ax No: 3 Address from w here the Liquor Ships : Zip Code: 4 Business Address: Zip Code : 5 Mailing Address: Zip Code : 6 Email Address: 7 F EIN No: The above n amed hereby applies to the Department of Taxation for a Certificate of Compliance, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes, Chapt er 369.430. 8 Application is being submitted for: New Business Change in Name or Location Additional Location 9 Applicant will be selling to : Nevada wholesalers Directly to Nevada consumers 10 Business Entity Type : Corporation LLC Par tnership Individual Other: 11 Li st Owners, Officers, Members or Partners . Attach additional sheets if needed : 1 2 Business is Operating as a : Importer Brewer Distiller Manufacturer Producer Vintner Bottler of Liquor Rectifier Or the designated agent of one of these (copy of designation attached) 1 3 APPLICANT REQUIRMENTS IF GRANTED A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE : (1) Must faithfully comply with all laws of the State of Nevada pertaining to the sale and shipping of liquors into Nevada and to comply with all rules and regulations of the Department of Taxation; (2) submit a completed LT 08 for each designated Importer/Wholesaler; (3) submit to the Department a LTD 04, on or before the 10th of each month, if shipping directly to Nevada licensed Importer/Wholesaler (4) submit to the Department a LIQ- STC tax return, on or before the 20 th of the month , only after shipping directly to a Nevada consumer. The Department may contact y ou regarding possible additional licensing requirements. 1 4 APPLICANT222S AFFIRMATION : I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and acknowledge that pursuant to NRS 239.330, it is a category C felony to knowingly offer any false or forged instrument for filing. In addition, I have read NRS 369 and understand that I am expected to comply with Nevada liquor laws and all federal laws. Noncompliance will result in revocation of my Nevada certificate of compliance liquor license. Signature of Responsible Party : Name: Title: 1 5 Date: 1 6 Authorized Agent (Compliance Company) 226 Attach Power of Attorney with application to be authorized. For Department Use Only: Application Approved: Yes No Date: Initial: PM Date: Amt: Ck No: American LegalNet, Inc. LT 01 2 11/3/2017 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Supplier/Certificate of Compliance Holder 226 (NRS 369.430) The first person having ownership of alcohol in the United States , holding a valid certificate of compliance to ship to Nevada importers, and/or directly to Nevada consumers. Limitations on engaging in business of importing, wholesaling or retailing alcoholic beverages 226 (NRS 597.210) A supplier shall not engage in the business of importing, wholesaling or retailing alcoholic beverages. 1.Name of Company: Enter the name as registered on the State Business License.2.DBA: Enter the name as it will be known to the public. The name you will be doing business as. A trade name listedon your TTB permit can also be used.3.Address from where the Liquor Ships: Enter liquor shipping address. If the address is different than what is listedon your Federal Basic Permit issued by the TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau), please contact theDepartment of Taxation for an additional form that will need to be submitted.4.Business Address: Enter in the complete company address.5.Mailing Address: This address will be used by the Department to mail licenses, renewals and correspondence.6.Email Address: Enter Email (Internet) Address Information.7.FEIN: Enter the Federal Tax Identification Number for this business. For information regarding a FEIN, contact theInternal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-4933 or go to . If you have applied for your number and have not received it, write 223PENDING224. If your FEIN changes, you must complete a new Application. 8.Application is being submitted for: Check if you are applying for a new business, if the licensed name or locationhas changed or if adding a new location. Please note: Any changes to your name or location must be reflected on yourfederal basic permit.9.Applicant will be selling to: Check the boxes that apply. You may check both boxes if both apply, if applicableby statute.10.Business Entity Type: Indicate entity type as filed on your State Business License.11.List Owners, Officers, Members, Partners, etc.: Include the full name and title of each owner, officers, members,partners, etc. for the business.12.Business is Operating as a: Indicate the type of business that the company will be operating as in Nevada.13.Applicant Requirements: (1) Comply with Taxation rules and regulations; (2) file a Designation and Acceptanceform (LT 08) filled out by the supplier, accepted by signature of the Importer/Wholesaler, and returned to theDepartment222s Carson City office prior to shipping to Nevada; (3) file a Report of Shipment (LTD 04) on or before the10th of each month, only if shipping to Nevada Licensed Importers/Wholesalers; (4) file a LIQ- STC Tax Return withcorresponding invoices on or before the 20th of the month, only for months that you shipped directly to Nevadaconsumers. 14. Applicant222s Affirmation (required): Legal signatures include sole proprietor- owner, corporate officer, managingmember, partner or power of attorney holder (must be attached). By signing the application you are making adeclaration information provided is correct and you have read and understand NRS 369. 15.Date: Date the document was signed by responsible party.16.Authorized Agent: Any authorized agent, such as a compliance company, must attach a Power of Attorney from thebusiness to be registered in order to be authorized on the account. Submit completed application with $50 license fee, a copy of your federal basic permit or brewers notice and, if applicable, a power of attorney to the Carson City address. American LegalNet, Inc.