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Order Appointing Guardian(s) - Minor Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in District Court Statewide.
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Tags: Order Appointing Guardian(s) - Minor, S, Nevada Statewide, District Court
251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Page 1 of 5 - Order Appointing Guardian(s) (Child) COURT CODE: Your Name: Address: City, State, Zip:Telephone:Email Address: DISTRICT COURT COUNTY, NEVADA In the Matter of the Guardianship of the: Person Estate Person and Estate of: (name of child who has a guardian) A Protected Minor.CASE NO.: DEPT: ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN(S) OVER A MINOR CHILD This matter having been submitted to the court ( check one) ithout a hearing after a hearing on (date of hearing) . Petitioner (first guardian222s name) , was present representingHIMSELF/HERSELF 226OR226 WITH COUNSEL, (attorney222s name; or 223n/a224 if none) . Petitioner (second guardian222s name) , was present representing HIMSELF/HERSELF 226OR226 WITH COUNSEL, (attorney222s name; or 223n/a224 if none) . The Proposed Protected Minor, (child222s name) , WAS PRESENT 226OR226 WAS NOT PRESENT. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 5 226 Order Appointing Guardian(s) (Child) (First parent222s name) WAS PRESENT 226OR226 WAS NOT PRESENT. (Second parent222s name) WAS PRESENT 226OR226 WAS NOT PRESENT. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice is sufficient; and It appearing by clear and convincing evidence that it is necessary to appoint a guardian for the proposed protected minor; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DETERMINED BY THE COURT as follows: 1.(Child222s name) , date of birth(date) , is a resident of the State of .2.The child needs the appointment of a guardian. This request is supported by recentdocumentation demonstrating the need for a guardianship.3.Notice has been served upon any living relative within the second degree ofconsanguinity, or the public guardian, if necessary, and/or any other persons or agencyhaving the care, custody and control of the minor.4.It is necessary and in the best interest of the Protected Minor that Petitioner(s) beappointed as guardian(s). The following are appointed to act as guardian(s) of the PERSON 226OR226 ESTATE 226OR226 PERSON AND ESTATE and shall have the power and authority as may be necessary for the benefit of the above named protected minor until further order of this Court: N/A First Guardian: Street Address City, State, Zip: Telephone: Second Guardian: Street Address City, State, Zip: Telephone: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 5 226 Order Appointing Guardian(s) (Child) (the judge will complete all sections on this page) The Guardian(s) shall participate in the Minor Guardianship training class, if offered,through 226OR226 N/A.The Guardian(s) shall file an Annual Report every year between the anniversary dateof and forthe first report and each year thereafter. This obligation continues until theguardianshipof the person ends 226OR226 N/A.Bond is: Not applicable. Reserved pending the filing of the inventory. Ordered in the amount of $. Waived. A blocked account is ordered in lieu of bond. 8.Inventory: This is a person only guardianship; no estate is involved. The Guardian(s) shall file a verified inventory of all of the property of the Protected Minor which comes to the possession, or knowledge of the guardian(s) by (date) . 9.Accounting: This is a person only guardianship; no estate is involved. Summary administration of the estate is granted. An annual accounting is not required until assets exceed the statutory threshold for summary administration. A verified account of the estate of the Protected Minor shall be made and filed annually by (date) , and must be filed within 60 days of this date and each year thereafter. This obligation continues until the guardianship of the estate ends. 10.Future guardianship: The protected minor will not need a guardianship after reaching 18 years of age. It is anticipated that the Protected Minor will need a guardianship after reaching 18 years of age. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 4 of 5 226 Order Appointing Guardian(s) (Child) 11.If a court order is in effect for the payment of child support, (the judge will check one) The payment of child support is assigned to the Guardian(s). The payment of child support shall remain in effect unchanged. 12.The Guardian(s) shall file a Guardian222s Acknowledgement of Duties andResponsibilities upon entry of this Order and before entering into his/her duties asGuardian.13.The Guardian(s) shall properly maintain, care, educate and support the Protected Minor.14.The Guardian(s) shall enjoy all normal powers conferred by the Nevada RevisedStatutes to take those steps necessary to preserve the real and/or personal property of theProtected Minor.15.The Guardian(s) must immediately have the Letters of Guardianship and Oath issued.The Letters of Guardianship may be revoked for failure to file the annual report,inventory, or accounting.16.A copy of this order must be served personally or by mail upon the Protected Minor nolater than 5 days after the date of the appointment of the guardian. A notice of entry ofthe order must be filed with the Court.17.The relatives and interested persons/entities required to be served notice of this order areas follows:Name and address: Name and address: Name and address: Name and address: Name and address: Name and address: 18.A notice of entry of order must be provided to those identified above. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 5 of 5 226 Order Appointing Guardian(s) (Child) 19.Other: (the judge will complete if applicable)Pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes, the following information is provided: Child222s Attorney:Street AddressCity, State, Zip:Telephone: Court Investigator: Street Address City, State, Zip: elephone: IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated this day of , 20. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE Respectfully Submitted by: (Your Signature) (Printed Name) American LegalNet, Inc.