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Charitable Lotteries Application For Approval Or Registration Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Nevada Gaming Commission And State Gaming Contol Board Statewide.
Tags: Charitable Lotteries Application For Approval Or Registration, Nevada Statewide, Nevada Gaming Commission And State Gaming Contol Board
1919 E. College Parkway, P.O. Box 8003, Carson City, Nevada 89702
555 E. Washington Ave., Suite 2600, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
3650 South Pointe Cir., P.O. Box 31109, Laughlin, Nevada 89028
557 W. Silver St., Suite 207, Elko, Nevada 89801
6980 Sierra Center Parkway, Reno, Nevada 89502
750 Pilot Road, Suite H, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Applicants are responsible for complying with state laws related to charitable lotteries, specifically
NRS 462 and 463.
Organization Name:
Street Address:
City, County,
State, Zip Code:
Non-Profit or Charitable Status of Organization:
*Please submit proof with application [Ex. 501 (c) (3)]
Contact Person:
By signing this application, the applicant certified that, pursuant to Nevada Statutes, the proceeds of the charitable
lottery will be expended only for the benefit of charitable or nonprofit activities in the State of Nevada.
Is this an application for registration or approval for a charitable lottery? (Check below.)
REGISTRATION – required if the total value of all prizes offered in charitable lottery
activities operated by your organization exceed $2,500 in a calendar year, but do not
exceed $25,000 during the same calendar year ($5 fee).
APPROVAL – required if the total value of all prizes offered in charitable lottery
activities operated by your organization exceed $25,000 in a calendar year, but do not
exceed $500,000 during the same calendar year ($25 fee).
No application is required if:
The total value of prizes does not exceed $2,500 and your organization operates no more
than two charitable lotteries per year; OR
The total value of prizes does not exceed $2,500 and the tickets or chances are sold only
to members of your organization, and to guests of those members while attending a special
event sponsored by your organization, and the total value of all the prizes offered in
charitable lotteries operated by your organization during the same calendar year does not
exceed $15,000.
ENF-115 (Rev. 08/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Charitable Lottery Application
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Officers/Board of Directors:
Persons responsible for operation of the charitable lottery and their relationship to the organization
(i.e., member, volunteer, employee, independent contractor, etc.):
Relationship to Organization:
Description of lottery:
Prizes awarded (Please specify type/description of prizes and amount/value):
**If value of any prize is valued over $1,000, you MUST include proof of prize and its value,
(ex. receipt, bill of sale):
Name the primary county in which the charitable lotteries will be conducted:
Date ticket sales begin:
Date, Time & Place of Drawing:
Describe the intended use of net proceeds from this charitable lottery. Indicate the approximate
percentage of proceeds which will be allocated to various uses such as activities, equipment, supplies,
transportation, salaries, general administrative costs, etc.:
**State law provides that sales of tickets or chances for a charitable lottery must be in the
primary county or Nevada counties that border on the primary county.
**Ticket sales outside Nevada are prohibited.
**ONLINE ticket sales are prohibited.
ENF-115 (Rev. 08/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Charitable Lottery Application
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If this is a request for approval (NOT registration), what are the anticipated expenses of conducting
this lottery? (Attach copies of any proposed agreements between your organization and any suppliers
of material for the operation of your lottery.)
Please attach the following documents:
Proof of charitable or nonprofit status (Ex. 501(c) (3) or Nevada tax exempt certificate).
Nonrefundable fee in the form of a check or money order made payable to the Gaming Control
Board. ($5 for registration or $25 for approval).
If you are requesting approval (NOT registration), copies of proposed agreements with supplies of
material for the operation of your lottery.
Proof of prizes valued over $1,000.
Applications must be submitted 30 days prior to the commencement of any lottery activity,
including advertising or ticket sales. Organizations are encouraged to file applications earlier than
the required 30 days. Questions regarding the application process may be directed to the Enforcement
Division, Operations Unit in Las Vegas (702) 486-2564.
Mail application and fees to:
Gaming Control Board
Enforcement Division
Operations Unit
555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 2600
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Under Nevada Revised Statute 462:
♦In the category which requires approval, organizations are limited to one charitable
lottery during each calendar quarter unless specifically authorized by the Chairman of
the Gaming Control Board.
♦If this is a request for approval (NOT registration), after completion of your lottery and
no later than the end of the same calendar year, your organization must submit a
financial report to the Chairman of the State Gaming Control Board (c/o
Enforcement Division–Las Vegas). The financial report must include a statement of
expenses incurred in the operation of the charitable lottery, and the amount and use of
net proceeds of the charitable lottery.
ENF-115 (Rev. 08/10)
American LegalNet, Inc.