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NGC-31 (04-01-18) For Office Use Only Please correct if in error CODE CODE TABLE GAMES TOTALS PROGRESSIVE KENO (Check One)? CODE 025 026 035 048 052 034 036 004 008 033 058 051 CODE 030 031 032 060 054 Enter on Line 1- Form NGC-1 x-noneI,x-none, certify and declare under the penalties of perjury that I am thex-noneSignedx-noneNamex-nonePhone # x-nonethe Nevada Gaming Control Board. x-noneEffective November 1, 2016, pursuant to Nevada Gaming Commission Regulation 6.030, all Nevada Gaming Licensees must x-nonereport and pay their gaming taxes and fees, and all reports relating thereto, pursuant to an electronic transfer approved by x-nonePerson to contact regarding this report: x-noneInteractive Poker x-none(Owner,Partner,President,Treasurer,Other) x-noneof the business named above; that this is a true, correct and complete report to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, x-noneand that this report is made with the knowledge and consent of all other individuals licensed. x-noneDated x-noneSECTION D ("NO. OF UNITS" TOTAL CONVERTED TO DOLLARS) x-noneTOTAL GROSS REVENUE (Add Sections A, B, C, D) x-noneHASH TOTAL x-none ("WIN" TOTAL) x-noneSECTION C ("NO. OF UNITS" TOTAL CONVERTED TO DOLLARS) x-noneADJ - Card Games x-none ("WRITE" TOTAL) x-noneTOTALS x-none ("PIT CREDIT PAYMENTS (CASH) TOTAL) x-nonePan x-none ("DROP" TOTAL) x-noneOther Card Games x-noneNO. OF UNITS x-noneGROSS REVENUE ($) x-none ("PIT CREDIT ISSUES" TOTAL) x-noneCARD GAMES x-none ("PIT CREDIT PAYMENTS" (CHIPS) TOTAL) x-nonePoker x-none ("COINS IN" TOTAL) x-noneADJ - Counter Games x-none ("DROP" TOTAL) x-noneTOTALS x-noneSECTION B ("NO. OF UNITS" TOTAL CONVERTED TO DOLLARS) x-noneSECTION D x-noneFootball x-noneThe HASH TOTAL is a number comprised of the following subtotals added together. x-noneBasketball x-noneBaseball x-noneSECTION A ("NO. OF UNITS" TOTAL CONVERTED TO DOLLARS) x-noneSports Pari-Mutuel x-nonecash paid out for day. x-noneRace Pari-Mutuel x-noneAll wagers for the events x-noneSports Parlay Cards x-nonecompleted for the day less cash paid out. x-noneSports Pool x-noneKeno x-noneACCOUNTING METHOD USED FOR RECORDING RACE AND SPORTS BOOK REVENUE (Please Check One): x-noneBingo x-noneRace Book x-none All cash wager received for the day less all x-noneRace Parlay Cards x-noneSECTION C x-noneNO. OF UNITS x-noneWRITE ($) x-noneGROSS REVENUE ($) x-noneCOUNTER GAMES x-noneWIN ($) x-noneGROSS REVENUE ($) x-noneSECTION B x-noneNO. OF UNITS x-nonePIT CREDIT ISSUES ($) x-nonePIT CREDIT PAYMENT (CHIPS)($) x-nonePIT CREDIT PAYMENT (CASH)($) x-noneDROP ($) x-noneTOTALS x-nonePlease correct if in error x-noneSECTION A x-noneNO. OF UNITS x-noneCOINS IN ($) x-noneDROP ($) x-noneGROSS REVENUE ($) x-noneSLOT MACHINES x-noneCity, State, Zip: x-noneEntry Date x-noneTrade Name: x-noneBatch Number x-noneAddress: x-noneAccount Number: x-noneCheck Number x-noneLegal Name: x-none NEVADA GAMING COMMISSION x-noneMONTHLY GROSS REVENUE STATISTICAL REPORT x-nonePeriod Covered: x-noneFiling Deadline: Yes No CASH: MODIFIED ACCRUAL: American LegalNet, Inc.