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Certificate Of Compliance Form. This is a Nevada form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Certificate Of Compliance, 9, Nevada Statewide, Supreme Court
Form 9. Certificate of Compliance 1. I hereby certify that this brief complies with the formatting requirements of NRAP 32(a)(4), the typeface requirements of NRAP 32(a)(5) and the type style requirements of NRAP 32(a)(6) because: [ ] This brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using [state name and version of word-processing program] in [state font size and name of type style]; or [ ] This brief has been prepared in a monospaced typeface using [state name and version of word-processing program] with [state number of characters per inch and name of type style]. 2. I further certify that this brief complies with the page- or type-volume limitations of NRAP 32(a)(7) because, excluding the parts of the brief exempted by NRAP 32(a)(7)(C), it is either: [ ] Proportionately spaced, has a typeface of 14 points or more, and contains _____ words; or [ ] Monospaced, has 10.5 or fewer characters per inch, and contains _____ words or _____ lines of text; or [ ] Does not exceed _____ pages. 3. Finally, I hereby certify that I have read this appellate brief, and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, American LegalNet, Inc. it is not frivolous or interposed for any improper purpose. I further certify that this brief complies with all applicable Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure, in particular NRAP 28(e)(1), which requires every assertion in the brief regarding matters in the record to be supported by a reference to the page and volume number, if any, of the transcript or appendix where the matter relied on is to be found. I understand that I may be subject to sanctions in the event that the accompanying brief is not in conformity with the requirements of the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure. Dated this .......... day of .............................., 20....... . ....................................................................................... (Signature of Attorney) ....................................................................................... (Nevada Bar Identification No.) ....................................................................................... (Law Firm) ....................................................................................... (Address) ....................................................................................... (Telephone Number) [As amended; effective January 3, 2012.] American LegalNet, Inc.