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UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE In re: , Bk. No. -- Debtor Chapter ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO REDACT A Motion to Redact (the 223Motion224) was filed by (the 223Movant224) requesting that a document containing personal identifiers be stricken from the docket and/or the claims register in this case pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9037. 1. The Motion is granted. 2. The clerk shall restrict access to [state name of document and its docket number OR identify proof of claim number] because it contains personal identifiers. 3. The Movant shall file a correctly redacted document or proof of claim within twenty-one (21) days of the date of this order, and such document or proof of claim shall be deemed filed as of the date the restricted document or proof of claim was filed. ENTERED at Concord, New Hampshire. Date: Bankruptcy Judge [Note: Leave the date line and signature line blank for completion by the court.] LBF 9037-1 (Eff. 11/20/17) American LegalNet, Inc.