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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE _____________________________________ Plaintiff Civil Action No. ____________________________ _____________________________________ Defendant(s) WRIT OF ATTACHMENT AND TRUSTEE PROCESS To the Sheriff of any County or his Deputy, or any other person We Command You to attach the following goods or estate of of Hampshire, to the value of in the County of , and State of New dollars. We Also Command You to attach the money, goods, chattels, rights, and credits of the said in the hands of ,of County of , in the , and State of New Hampshire, to the value of dollars, and summons said if to be found in your precinct, to appear in said COURT, within fourteen days after service upon said trustee, and show cause, if any, s/he has, why execution should not issue against him/her for the judgment which may be recovered by said plaintiff against principal defendant and make return of this writ, with your doings therein. The attachment(s) herein is/are to secure any Judgment or Decree the plaintiff may obtain in this action. Witness, Joseph N. Laplante, Esquire, the .........................................Indorser By .....................................Attorney day of , A.D. 20 Clerk of Court Clerk of Court USDCNH-83 (01/14) American LegalNet, Inc. RETURNS OF SERVICE Real Estate Attachment ______________________________, SS. __________________________________, 20__ I attached all the lands and tenements in the County of _________________________ of the within named defendant ________________________________________ to the extent ordered on the reverse side of this writ, by leaving at the office of the Register of Deeds of said County a true copy of this writ and of this, my return, endorsed thereon, at ________________________ AM/PM. Fees: $_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ $_________________ _____________________________ Deputy Sheriff Register Service Copy Travel __________________________________________________________________________________________ Trustee Attachment ______________________________, SS. __________________________________, 20__ I attached the money, goods, chattels, rights, and credits of the within named defendant _________________________________ in the hands and possession of ______________________________ to the extent ordered on the reverse side of this writ, and summoned the said trustee to appear as within commanded by giving in hand to/leaving at the abode of ____________________________________________ at ______________________________ Street in ________________________________, an attested copy of the within writ at ________________________ AM/PM. Fees: $_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ $_________________ _____________________________________ Deputy Sheriff Register Service Copy Travel __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Completion of Service ______________________________, SS. __________________________________, 20__ I notified the within named__________________________________________________ of above attachment by giving in hand to _______________________________________________________________ by leaving at the abode of _____________________________________________________________________ at ______________________________ Street in __________________________________________________ an attested copy of this writ, together with my return endorsed thereon at ___________________________AM/PM Fees: Register Service Copy Travel $_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ $_________________ ______________________________________ Deputy Sheriff USDCNH-83 (01/14) American LegalNet, Inc.