Application For Registration Of Foreign LP
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Application For Registration Of Foreign LP Form. This is a New Hampshire form and can be use in Limited Partnership Secretary Of State.
Tags: Application For Registration Of Foreign LP, FLP 1, New Hampshire Secretary Of State, Limited Partnership
State of New Hampshire
Filing fee:
Fee for Form SRA: $50.00
Total fees:
Use black print or type.
Form FLP-l
RSA 304-B:49
Form must be single-sided, on 8½” x 11” paper;
double sided copies will not be accepted.
(1) Limited Partnership name (see Note 1):
(2) Name used in New Hampshire:
(3) State of Formation:
Date of Formation:
(4) Name of Agent:
(5) Agent's Address:
(6) The Secretary of State is appointed agent for service of process if agent has not been appointed or
cannot be found or served or agent's authority has been revoked.
(7) Address of office in state of formation (if not required by laws of state of formation, address of
principal office):
(8) Address at which is kept a list of the names and addresses of limited partners and their contributions.
These records will be maintained until this registration is canceled or withdrawn:
(9) The sale or offer for sale of any ownership interests in this business will comply with the
requirements of the New Hampshire Uniform Securities Act (RSA 421-B).
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Form FLP-1 Page 1 V1.0
American LegalNet, Inc.
Form FLP-1
(10) GENERAL PARTNERS (list additional general partners on separate sheet):
Business Address(es):
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the statements on this application are true to the best of my
information, knowledge and belief.
(by a general partner)
Print or type name
Date signed:
Note 1: List actual limited partnership name on (1). If name does not contain “limited partnership”
without abbreviation, add to name on (2). If using an assumed name, insert assumed name on
(2) and file trade name application (Form TN-1, $50.00).
DISCLAIMER: All documents filed with the Corporate Division become public records and will be
available for public inspection in either tangible or electronic form.
Mail fee, DATED AND SIGNED ORIGINAL AND FORM SRA to: Corporate Division, Department of
State, 107 North Main Street, Concord NH 03301-4989.
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American LegalNet, Inc.