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NHJB-2066-FP (01/01/2019) Page 1 of 7 THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER Name, Residence and Mailing Address of Person Name, Residence and Mailing Address of Ordered to Pay Support (Obligor) Person Receiving Support (Obligee) D.O.B. Telephone D.O.B. Telephone E-mail Address: E-mail Address: Name of Employer: Name of Employer: Address of Employer: Address of Employer: Child(ren) to whom this order applies: Full Name Date of Birth Full Name Date of Birth The following parties appeared: Obligor Obligee Bureau of Child Support Services Other NOTE: SECTIONS PRECEDED BY ARE ONLY PART OF THIS ORDER IF MARKED. 1. This order is entered: 2. This order is a: after hearing temporary order upon approval of agreement final order upon default 3. This order modifies a final support obligation in accordance with: a three-year review (RSA 458-C:7) OR substantial change in circumstances, as follows: 4. Obligor is ORDERED to PAY THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS (See Standing Orders 4A-4G): 4.1 CHILD SUPPORT: $ per (week, month, etc.) 4.2 Arrearage of $ as of , payable $ per (week, month, etc.) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER NHJB-2066-FP (01/01/2019) Page 2 of 7 4.3 Medical arrearage of $ as of , payable $ per (week, month, etc.) 4.4 Alimony is ordered. See the Uniform Alimony Order. N/A 4.5 Alimony arrearage of $ as of , payable $ per (week, month, etc.) 4.6 Alimony shall terminate 5. Payments on all ordered amounts shall begin on . All ordered amounts shall be payable to Obligee Bureau of Child Support Services Other 6. This order complies with the child support guidelines. RSA 458-C. This order, entered upon obligor222s default, is based on a reasonable estimate of obligor222s income. Compliance with the guidelines cannot be determined. The following special circumstances warrant an adjustment from the guidelines (Enter applicable circumstances below. See Standing Order 6): 7. Support ordered is payable by immediate income assignment. 8. The Court finds that there is good cause to suspend the immediate income assignment because: Obligor and obligee have agreed in writing. Payments have been timely and it would be in the best interest of the minor child(ren) because: 9A. Obligor is unemployed and MUST REPORT EFFORTS TO SEEK EMPLOYMENT. (See Standing Order 9A). 9B. Upon employment the Obligor shall bring the matter forward for recalculation of support. Failure to do so may result in a recalculated support order effective the date of employment. MEDICAL SUPPORT FINDINGS (Paragraphs 10 through 15) 10. OBLIGOR222S medical support reasonable cost obligation: $ per (week, month, etc.) 10A. The medical support reasonable cost obligation is adjusted from the presumptive amount because of the following special circumstances (Enter applicable circumstances below. See Standing Order 6): 11. Health insurance coverage is not available is available to the OBLIGOR in an amount equal to or less than the amount of the medical support reasonable cost obligation ordered in paragraph 10. 12. Health insurance coverage available to the OBLIGOR is not accessible to the child(ren). American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER NHJB-2066-FP (01/01/2019) Page 3 of 7 13. OBLIGEE222S medical support reasonable cost obligation:$ per (week, month, etc.) 13A. The medical support reasonable cost obligation is adjusted from the presumptive amount because of the following special circumstances (Enter applicable circumstances below. See Standing Order 6): 14. Health insurance coverage is not available is available to the OBLIGEE in an amount equal to or less than the amount of the medical support reasonable cost obligation ordered in paragraph 13. 15. Health insurance coverage available to the OBLIGEE is not accessible to the child(ren). HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE (Paragraph 16A and/or 16B must be completed): 16A. Obligor Obligee is ordered to provide health insurance coverage for the child(ren) effective 16B. Obligor Obligee is/are not ordered to provide health insurance coverage at this time but is/are ordered to immediately obtain health insurance coverage when it becomes accessible and available at an amount equal to or less than the ordered medical support reasonable cost obligation. UNINSURED MEDICAL EXPENSES 17. Uninsured medical expenses shall be paid in the following percentage amounts: Obligor % Obligee % Other: 18. Public assistance (TANF) or medical assistance (Medicaid) is or was provided for the children. Copies of pleadings related to medical coverage and child support were mailed to the Bureau of Child Support Services, Child Support Legal, 129 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301. 19. Obligor Obligee is adjudicated the father of the minor child(ren) named above. The clerk of the city(ies) of shall enter the name of the father on the birth certificate(s) of the child(ren). The father222s date of birth is and his state of birth is . 20. The State of has provided public assistance for the benefit of the minor child(ren) between and for weeks. Obligor is indebted for the assistance in the total amount of $ 21. Variation to standing order (specify paragraph #), additional agreement or order of the Court: Obligor Obligee Staff Attorney Bureau of Child Support Services Obligor222s Attorney/Witness Obligee222s Attorney/Witness Date Date Date American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER NHJB-2066-FP (01/01/2019) Page 4 of 7 All paragraphs of this order (except those that have a check box and have not been selected) and all paragraphs of the Standing Order, (except variations in paragraph 21) are part of this order and apply to all parties. Recommended: Date Signature of Marital Master/Hearing Officer Printed Name of Marital Master/Hearing Officer So Ordered: I hereby certify that I have read the recommendation(s) and agree that, to the extent the marital master/judicial referee/hearing officer has made factual findings, she/he has applied the correct legal standard to the facts determined by the marital master/judicial referee/hearing officer. Date Signature of Judge Printed Name of Judge American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER NHJB-2066-FP (01/01/2019) Page 5 of 7 THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIFORM SUPPORT ORDER 227 STANDING ORDER NOTICE: This Standing Order (SO) is a part of all Uniform Support Orders (USO) and shall be given full effect as an order of the Court. Variations to paragraphs of the SO in a specific case must be entered in paragraph 21 of the USO and approved by the Court. (Paragraph numbers in the SO correspond to related paragraph numbers in the USO. Variations entered in paragraph 21 should reference the related paragraph number.) SUPPORT PAYMENT TERMS SO-3A. All prior orders not inconsistent with this order remain in full force and effect. SO-3B. In cases where the order of another jurisdiction is registered for modification, a tribunal of this state may not modify any aspect of a child support order that may not be modified under the law of the issuing jurisdiction. (See RSA 546-B:49,III.) SO-3C. This order shall be subject to review and Court modification three years from its effective date upon the request of a party. Any party may petition the Court at any time for a modification of this support order if there is a substantial change in circumstances. The effective date of any modification shall be no earlier than the date of notice to the other party. 223Notice224 means either of the following: 1) service as specified in civil actions or 2) the respondent222s acceptance of a copy of the petition, as long as the petition is filed no later than 30 days following the respondent222s acceptance. See RSA 458-C:7. SO-3D. No modification of a support order shall alter any arrearages due prior to the date of filing the pleading for modification. RSA 461-A:14, VIII. SO-4A. The amount of a child support obligation shall remain as stated in the order until the dependent child for whom sup