Request For Hearing On Temporary Orders
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NHJB-2953-DF (03/01/2016) Page 1 of 1 THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) REQUEST FOR HEARING ON TEMPORARY ORDERS Parenting Petition, or Divorce/Legal Separation, Landlord Tenant 540-A A temporary order was granted on an ex parte basis in this case. Pursuant to (check one): RSA 461-A:9 (Parenting) RSA 458:16 (Divorce/Legal Separation) RSA 540-A:4 (Landlord Tenant 540-A), I am requesting a hearing on those temporary orders. I understand that the court will schedule my hearing in this matter no later than 5 days from the receipt of this request. I state that on this date I am mailing by U.S. mail, or hand-delivering a copy of this document to: or Other party Other party222s attorney Date Signature American LegalNet, Inc.