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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) Estate of AFFIDAVIT OF COUNSEL AS TO PROPRIETY OF A FOREIGN WILL/CODICIL TO BE ADMITTED INTO PROBATE I, state the following under oath: 1. Country of 2. That I have personally examined the Will/Codicil of dated 3. . , of , That I am an attorney in good standing admitted and licensed to practice law in the State or That I am acquainted or have familiarized myself with the statutory requirements for the proper execution of a Will/Codicil in the State/Country of the Will/Codicil of been executed. on the date is purported to have 4. That the Will/Codicil of , appears to have been executed in accordance with the statutory requirements in effect in the State/Country of on the date the Will/Codicil is recited as having been executed, or in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform International Wills Act. 5. If a self-proved will, that this will was properly executed as self-proved under one of the following: the laws of the State of New Hampshire the laws of the State/Country of the Uniform International Will Act Date Telephone Number Attorney Signature Mailing Address State of This instrument was acknowledged before me on My Commission Expires Affix Seal, if any NHJB-2146-P (10/01/2006) (formerly AOC-224-003) , County of by Signature of Notarial Officer / Title Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.