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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) Estate of DEPOSITION IN PROOF OF WILL IMPORTANT: This deposition cannot be filed until the corresponding "Motion to Prove Will by Deposition" (NHJB-2130-P) has been granted by the court and the notary appointed. 1. What is your name and where do you reside? Answer: 2. Were you acquainted with the deceased named above? How long were you acquainted with the deceased? Answer: 3. Did the deceased sign the instrument (copy attached), as the deceased's last will and/or codicil, in your presence? What is the date of that instrument? Answer: 4. Did you sign your name as witness to this instrument in the presence of the deceased, and at the deceased's request, and in the presence of the other witnesses? Answer: 5. Did the other witnesses sign their names as witnesses to this instrument in the presence of the deceased, and at the deceased's request, and in your presence and the presence of any other witnesses? Answer: NHJB-2124-P (02/01/2008) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Estate of Case Number: DEPOSITION IN PROOF OF WILL 6. Was the deceased of lawful age in the state where instrument was signed, and of sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence at the time the instrument was executed? Answer: 7. Do you know any other matter or circumstances affecting the validity of this instrument? If so, give the full details. Answer: I hereby swear that the answers on this form are those given during my deposition. Date Witness Deposed I have taken the deposition of at on Upon signing this deposition, the deponent made oath that the foregoing statements made are true, according to his/her best knowledge and belief. Before me, Affix Seal My Commission Expires Notary Public ORDER This deposition is approved by the court. This deposition is not approved by the court. Date NHJB-2124-P (02/01/2008) Judge Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.