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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE FILING OF (select one): Annual Report 1. Fiduciary Name Mailing Address Fiduciary Name Mailing Address 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attorney Name Mailing Address Telephone Bar ID# Capacity Inventory Account Capacity Voluntary Statement Other Waiver of Administration Affidavit If an extension for an Account or Annual Report is requested, the document due is for the and ending period beginning I am requesting that I be granted an extension of time to file the above form on the following date: Reason for Extension Have other extensions postponing this filing been previously granted? If yes, please give details, including the number of previous extensions Yes No I certify that a copy of this document has been provided to the parties who have filed an appearance for this case or who are otherwise interested parties. Date Date Fiduciary or Attorney Signature Fiduciary or Attorney Signature ORDER Motion for extension of time is granted. Filing date is extended to Failure to file the document by that date may result in the issuance of: default citation show cause order other penalties to be determined by court. Motion for extension of time is denied. Date Judge Default Date Default Sent Citation Date Citation Sent FOR COURT USE ONLY: Due Date NHJB-2132-P (06/04/2008) (formerly AOC 096-003) Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc.