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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT Pursuant to Administrative Order 2014-04 This form shall be used to request reassignment of a matter to the Trust Docket pursuant to Administrative Order 2014-04. See RSA 490-F:2; New Hampshire Supreme Court Rule 54. Parties requesting reassignment shall contemporaneously file copies of this form with: (1) the Circuit Court Administrative Judge; (2) the Circuit Court Probate Division where the matter is currently being adjudicated; and (3) all parties of record. The Request shall be sent to the Circuit Court Administrative Judge at the following address: New Hampshire Judicial Branch Administrative Offices Attention: Administrative Judge Circuit Court 1 Granite Place, Suite N400, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Parties are also instructed to forward a copy of this request to all parties of record with a cover letter or memorandum conspicuously containing the following notice: In accordance with Circuit Court Administrative Order 2014-13, any party wishing to file a response asserting grounds for denial of this Request for Reassignment shall do so within ten (10) calendar days of the filing date of the Request with the Circuit Court Administrative Judge. Copies of the response shall be contemporaneously sent to the Circuit Court Administrative Judge, the Circuit Court Probate Division where the matter is currently being adjudicated, and all parties of record. 1. Name of Presiding Judge in Circuit Court Probate Division: 2A. Requesting party information: Name: Mailing address: If representing self, provide email address and telephone number: 2B. Requesting party222s counsel information: Name: Firm name: Mailing address: Email address and telephone number of requesting party222s counsel. NHJB-2883-P (10/10/2018) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT 3A. Other party information: Name: Mailing address of other party of record: If other party of record is representing self, provide email address and telephone number. 3B. Other party222s counsel information: Name: Firm name: Mailing address: Email address and telephone number of other party222s counsel. The name and contact information of all other parties of record and their counsel, if applicable, shall be attached on a separate page and shall include the information requested in Part 3A and 3B. 4. Is any part of the case confidential? Yes No If your answer is yes, please identify which part and cite authority for confidentiality. 5. Please list if applicable: the complete case title, case number(s), name of court and location, name and address of all parties and their counsel, and the Presiding Judge, of any case related to this matter or involving the same parties. Please briefly describe the nature of each case. 6. Have the parties attempted or utilized formal mediation or other form of alternative dispute resolution with a neutral third party? Yes No. If yes, indicate the type of alternative dispute resolution attempted, date(s) of participation, and the result of the mediation or other form of alternative dispute resolution. NHJB-2883-P (10/10/2018) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT 7. Do you know of any reason why any judge sitting on the Trust Docket would be disqualified from this case? Yes No. If yes, explain why. 8. Nature of case (Limit one page double-spaced; please attach). 9. Nature of complexity (Limit five pages double spaced; please attach). Each request for reassignment will be administratively reviewed for purposes of determining whether reassignment to the Trust Docket is appropriate based on the unique complexities of each case. Please describe the complexities present in this case making it appropriate for transfer. The following criteria, although not intended to be either controlling or fully describing the nature of cases appropriate for reassignment, indicate certain factors that might make a case complex and appropriate for reassignment to the Trust Docket. a. Multiple Issues and Complexity 226 Do the issues raised involve multiple layers of complexity? Does the instrument at issue include novel, ambiguous, or complicated provisions? Is the law unclear, complicated, or is there a choice of law controversy? b. Multitude of Instruments at Issue 226 Does the case involve interpretation of multiple types of probate documents? c. Number of Parties 226 Does the case involve multiple parties or parties with competing or differing interests? Are there a number of creditors with competing preferences for estate assets? d. Potential Tax Implications226 Does the case involve complicated tax questions or does the outcome implicate various tax consequences? e. Projected Length of Trial 226 Do the parties project a multi-day trial as opposed to only a few hours? f. Multiple Forums 226 Are the parties involved in related litigation in other Circuit Court divisions that are best consolidated into one matter? Will the outcome of the case affect litigation pending in the Superior Court or in the Federal Court? Conversely, will the outcome of litigation pending in the Superior Court or in the Federal Court affect the case? g. Urgency of Adjudication 226 Is there a critical need for fast resolution? h. Efficiency 226 Are there any other circumstances which would cause the case to be more efficiently resolved in a specialized docket? Separately number each factor you believe qualifies this case for reassignment to the Trust Docket. For each factor, explain why the criteria above or other applicable criteria support reassignment. NHJB-2883-P (10/10/2018) American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: REQUEST FOR REASSIGNMENT Do not attach any other document to this Request for Reassignment. If you want specific pleadings or documents considered in the administrative review, refer to them by name, date of submission to the current court, and docket entry number. Parties are prohibited from submitting with this Request for Reassignment any new evidence, motions, or other pleadings that have not been previously filed with the current court. Parties are cautioned to limit the scope of this Request for Reassignment to only information necessary for the Circuit Court222s determination whether reassignment to the Trust Docket is warranted. 10. Certification I certify that on this date I provided this document(s) to the parties who have filed an appearance for this case or who are otherwise interested parties by: Hand-delivery OR US Mail OR Email (E-mail only by prior agreement of the parties based on Circuit Court Administrative Order). Date Signature of Party or Counsel NHJB-2883-P (10/10/2018) American LegalNet, Inc.