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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) PRE-TRIAL STATEMENT AND ORDER After a hearing held on , the parties agreed, and the court rules as follows: 1. List names, addresses and telephone numbers of attorneys who will try this case: 2. Give a brief and succinct statement of all contested issues that remain to be litigated: 3. Number of witnesses, including expert witnesses, plaintiff plans to call: List name of each witness. 4. Number of witnesses, including expert witnesses, defendant plans to call: List name of each witness. 5. List all exhibits to be offered. Parties agree to pre-mark all exhibits prior to trial. 6. The probability of settling this case is: 7. Trial date as ordered in the Structuring Order is Excellent Good Fair Impossible Length of trial as stated in the Structuring Order is 8. Memoranda of Law and Findings of Facts are to be filed five (5) days prior to the scheduled trial date. 9. Other issues to be acted upon by the court: No changes to the above schedule will be permitted except by ORDER OF THE COURT on written motion for good cause shown. Date NHJB-2178-P (10/01/2006) (formerly AOC-229-003) Page 1 of 1 Judge American LegalNet, Inc.