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THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE JUDICIAL BRANCH Court Name: Case Name: Case Number: (if known) ANSWER Requested: Jury Trial (as allowed by law) Bench Trial 1. Name of person answering: (Relationship to case): 2. I am answering the Complaint filed by Answer each paragraph in the Complaint in corresponding numbered paragraphs, including any affirmative defenses you are asserting: 1. Paragraph 1 Answer: 2. Paragraph 2 Answer: 3. Paragraph 3 Answer: Continue on using separately numbered paragraphs (attach additional sheets if necessary) NHJB-2689-Se (07/01/2018) Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Case Name: Case Number: ANSWER For non e-filed cases: I state that on this date I am mailing by U.S. mail, or Email (only when there is a prior agreement of the parties to use this method), or hand delivering a copy of this document to: or Other party Other party222s attorney OR For e-filed cases: I state that on this date I am sending a copy of this document as required by the rules of the court. I am electronically sending this document through the court222s electronic filing system to all attorneys and to all other parties who have entered electronic service contacts (email addresses) in this case. I am mailing or hand-delivering copies to all other interested parties. Name of Filer Signature of Filer Date Law Firm, if applicable Bar ID # of attorney Telephone Address E-mail City State Zip code NHJB-2689-Se (07/01/2018) Page 2 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc.