Motor Vehicles Affidavit For Surviving Spouse
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Motor Vehicles Affidavit For Surviving Spouse Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Ocean Local County.
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Tags: Motor Vehicles Affidavit For Surviving Spouse, CO-45, New Jersey Local County, Ocean
STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICES AFFIDAVIT I, the undersigned, certify that I am the surviving spouse of _________________________________________________________. The decedent's name,________________________________________, and my name,______________________________________________, appear on the certificate of ownership number ____________________ as follows:_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I, further certify that from the time my name and the decedent's name appeared on the certificate of ownership number ______________________________until the death of the decedent on __________________________, our relationship was husband and wife. x__________________________(L.S.) Sworn and Subscribed to before me on _______________________________ _______________________________ Notary Public of New Jersey CO-45 (R12/74) American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.