Renunciation Of Trusteeship
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Renunciation Of Trusteeship Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Ocean Local County.
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Tags: Renunciation Of Trusteeship, New Jersey Local County, Ocean
Ocean County Surrogate's Court To the Surrogate of the County of Ocean State of New Jersey Renunciation of Trusteeship State of New Jersey BE IT KNOWN that __________________________________________________late of the County of Ocean, died on ____________________________leaving a Last Will and Testament wherein and whereby appointing me the ________________________ thereof; now be it known that I hereby renounce my said appointment and refuse to take upon myself the burden of the same. ____________________________________ Date: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ____________________________ Notary Public STATE OF NEW JERSEY COUNTY OF ss: Be it Remembered, that on _______________________ before me, the subscriber, personally appeared _______________________________ who I am satisfied is the person in the foregoing instrument named, and I having first made known to him/her the contents thereof, he/she did thereupon acknowledge that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the aforesaid instrument as his/her voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed. AFFIX SEAL ___________________________________ Notary Public American LegalNet, Inc.