Certificate Of Correction Limited Partnership
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Certificate Of Correction Limited Partnership Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Amendments And Corrections Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Certificate Of Correction Limited Partnership, LP-152, New Jersey Secretary Of State, Amendments And Corrections
LP-152 (1 0/94) New Jersey Division of Revenue Certificate of Correction Limited Partnership Title 42:2A.-l 1. Limited Partnership Name: 2. Limited Partnership Number: 3. The Article to be corrected is: 4. Date filed: 5. The inaccuracy in the Certificate is: 6. The Certificate of Correction hereby reads as follows: Signature: (General Partner) Name: (Typed) Date: NJ Division of Revenue, PO Box 308, Trenton, NJ 08646 American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com Rev 7/07/05 Instructions for Form LP-152 CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (Title 42:2A) STATUTORY FEE: $50 The MANDATORY fields are: Field # 1 --Business Name List the name as it appears on the records of the Treasurer. Field # 2 -- Number List the ten digit business ID as it appears on the records of the Treasurer. Field # 3 -- Article To Be Corrected Note the document and article to be corrected. Field # 4 -- Filing Date List the date the article/document was filed with the Treasurer. Field # 5 -- Defect Or Inaccuracy List the article involved and describe the inaccuracy or defect. Field # 6 -- Correction Enter the language that corrects the defect or inaccuracy. EXECUTION (DATE/SIGNATURE) At least one general partner must sign. Also, list the date of execution (signature). ********** These documents should be filed in duplicate. Non-profits should file in triplicate. Make checks payable to: TREASURER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY. (No cash,please) Mail to: NJ Division of Revenue, PO Box 308, Trenton NJ 08646 American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com