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Plaintiff or Filing Attorney Information: Name NJ Attorney ID Number Address Telephone Number Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division Part Plaintiff, Docket Number Civil Action County v. Defendant, Warrant to Satisfy Judgment Judgment No. J Docketed Judgment No. DJ No Judgment Number (DC or SC Dockets only) WHEREAS, a judgment was entered in the above-entitled action on , 20 , in favor of , and against , in the amount of $ plus interest and costs and said judgment with interest and costs thereon having been fully paid, under Judgment number . THEREFORE, full and complete satisfaction of said judgment is hereby acknowledged, and the Clerk of the Court is hereby authorized and directed to make entry of the full and complete satisfaction on the docket of said judgment satisfaction of judgment. Date: Signature - Judgment Creditor or Attorney for Judgment Creditor Print or Type Name I CERTIFY that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. Date: Signature - Judgment Creditor or Attorney for Judgment Creditor Filing Fee information: Payable by check or money order to "Treasurer, State of New Jersey" The filing fee for a Judgment or Docketed Judgment is The filing fee for No Judgment Number is $35.00 Special Civil Part (DC) or Small Claims (SC) Dockets Only $50.00 File with: The Office of the Clerk of The Superior Court P.O. Box 971 Trenton, NJ 08625 File with The Office of the Clerk of the Special Civil Part in the County of Venue American LegalNet, Inc. Revised 04/19/2017, CN 11009