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Temporary Support Order Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Family Practice Statewide.
Tags: Temporary Support Order, 10487, New Jersey Statewide, Family Practice
Superior Court Of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Family Part
Docket No.
Plaintiff's Attorney:
Defendant's Attorney:
Probation Account No.:
Pursuant to a proceeding before the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part on this day, it is ordered that:
1. The
Defendant make support payments and/or provide health care coverage as set forth
2. Support payments shall be paid through an income withholding issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.7a.,
et seq. The obligor must make support payments directly to the New Jersey Family Support Payment
Center, Post Office Box 4880, Trenton, New Jersey 08650, until the support payments are withheld from
the obligor’s income. Payments shall commence on the effective date of this order and shall be
administered and enforced by the _______________Probation Division.
3. Income withholding is not ordered. Support payments shall be administered and enforced by the
__________________Probation Division. The obligor must make support payments directly to the New
Jersey Family Support Payment Center, Post Office Box 4880, Trenton, New Jersey 08650. Payments
shall commence on the effective date of this order.
4. Support payments shall be made by direct payments from the obligor to the obligee.
Defendant is required to provide health care coverage for the child(ren).
6. This Temporary Order shall remain in effect until the entry of a final judgment or a subsequent order in
this matter is submitted to the above Probation Division. Parties paying support through the NJ Family
Support Payment Center are also required to include a Confidential Litigant Information Statement
unless one has been provided prior to the submission of this Temporary Support Order. R. 5:7-4(b).
Child Support Amount:
Spousal Support Amount:
Effective Date:
Arrears Payment:
Child's Name
Date of Birth
Child's Name
Date of Birth
Arrears are to be calculated based upon the amounts and effective date noted above.
So ORDERED by the Court:
, J.S.C.
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1. You must continue to make all payments until the court order is changed by another court order.
2. You must file a WRITTEN request to the Family Division in the county in which the order was entered
in order for the court to consider a change in the support order. Contact the Family or Probation
Division to find out how to do this. It is important that you request a change as soon as possible after
your income or the child(ren)’s status changes. In most cases, if you delay making your request, and
you are the obligor, you will have to pay the original amount of support until the date of your written
3. Payments must be made directly to the New Jersey Family Support Payment Center, P.O. Box 4880,
Trenton, NJ 08650, unless the court directs otherwise. Payments may be made by money order,
check, direct debit from your checking account, or credit card. Gifts, other purchases, or in-kind
payments made directly to the obligee or child(ren) will not fulfill the support obligation. Credit for
payments made directly to the obligee or child(ren) may not be given without a court order.
4. No payment or installment of an order for child support, or those portions of an order that are
allocated for child support, shall be retroactively modified by the court except for the period during
which the party seeking relief has pending an application for modification as provided in N.J.S.A.
2A:17-56.23a. (R. 5:7-4(e)).
5. The amount of child support and/or the addition of a health care coverage provision in Title IV-D cases
shall be subject to review at least once every three years, on written request by either party to the
Division of Family Development, P.O. Box 716, Trenton, NJ 08625-0716, as appropriate, or upon
application to the court. (N.J.S.A. 2A: 17-56.9a; R. 5:7-4(e)).
6. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23b, the custodial parent may require the non-custodial parent's
health care coverage provider to make payments directly to the health care provider by submitting a
copy of the relevant sections of the order to the insurer. (R. 5:7-4(e)).
7. Social Security numbers are collected and used in accordance with section 205 of the Social Security
Act (42 U.S.C. 405). Disclosure of an individual's Social Security number for Title IV-D purposes is
mandatory. Social Security numbers are used to obtain income, employment, and benefit information
on individuals through computer matching programs with federal and state agencies, and such
information is used to establish and enforce child support under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act
(42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.). Any person who willfully and with the intent to deceive, uses a Social Security
number obtained on the basis of false information provided to Social Security Administration or
provides a false or inaccurate Social Security number is subject to a fine or imprisonment. (42 U.S.C.
408(7); R. 5:7-4(e)).
8. The United States Secretary of State is required to refuse to issue or renew a passport to any person
certified as owing a child support arrearage exceeding the statutory amount. In addition, the U.S.
Secretary of State may take action to revoke, restrict or limit a passport previously issued to an
individual owing such a child support arrearage. (42 U.S.C. 652(k)).
9. Failure to appear for a hearing to establish or to enforce an order, or failure to comply with the support
provisions of this order may result in incarceration. The obligee and obligor shall notify the appropriate
Probation Division of any changes in address, employment status, health care coverage, or a change in
the address or status of the child(ren). Changes must be reported in writing to the Probation Division
within 10 days of the change. Not providing this information is a violation of this Order. The last
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address you give to Probation will be used to send you notices. If you fail to appear, a default order
may be entered against you or a warrant may be issued for your arrest (R. 5:7-4(e)).
10. Any payment or installment for child support shall be fully enforceable and entitled to full faith and credit
and shall be a judgment by operation of law on or after the date it is due (N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.23a). Any nonpayment of child support you owe has the effect of a lien against your property. This child support lien may
affect your ability to obtain credit or to sell your property. Failure to remit timely payment automatically
results in the entry of a judgment against the obligor and post-judgment interest may be charged.
Judgments accrue interest at the rate prescribed by Rule 4:42- 11(a). (R. 5:7-4(e), 5:7-5(g)). Before the
satisfaction of the child support judgment, any party to whom the child support is owed has the right to
request assessment of post-judgment interest on child support judgments.
11. All child support obligations are payable by income withholding unless otherwise ordered. If immediate
income withholding is not required when an order is entered or modified, the child support provisions
of the order may be subject to income withholding when the amount due becomes equal to, or in
excess of the amount of support due for 14 days. The withholding is effective against the obligor’s
current and future income from all sources authorized by law. (R. 5:7-4(e), R. 5:7-5).
12. The occupational, recreational, and professional licenses, including a license to practice law, held or
applied for by the obligor may be denied, suspended or revoked if: 1) a child support arrearage
accumulates that is equal to or exceeds the amount set by statute, or 2) the obligor fails to provide
health care coverage for the child as ordered by the court, or 3) a warrant for the obligor's arrest has
been issued by the court for obligor's failure to pay child support as ordered, or for obligor's failure to
appear at a hearing to establish paternity or child support, or for obligor's failure to appear at a child
support hearing to enforce a child support order and said warrant remains outstanding. (R. 5:7-4(e)).
13. The driver's license held or applied for by the obligor may be denied, suspended, or revoked if 1) a
child support arrearage accumulates that is equal to or exceeds the amount set by statute, or 2) the
obligor fails to provide health care coverage for the child as ordered by the court. The driver's license
held or applied for by the obligor shall be denied, suspended, or revoked if the court issues a warrant
for the obligor's arrest for failure to pay child support as ordered, or for failure to appear at a hearing
to establish paternity or child support, or for failure to appear at a child support hearing to enforce a
child support order and said warrant remains outstanding. (R. 5:7-4(e)).
14. The name of any delinquent obligor and the amount of overdue child support owed will be reported to
consumer credit reporting agencies as a debt owed by the obligor, subject to all procedural due
process required under State law. (N.J.S.A. 2A: 17-56.21).
15. Child support arrears may be reported to the Internal Revenue Service and the State Division of
Taxation. Tax refunds/homestead rebates due the obligor may be taken to pay arrears (N.J.S.A.
16. Child support arrears shall be paid from the net proceeds of any lawsuit, settlement, civil judgment,
civil arbitration award, inheritance or workers’ compensation award to a prevailing party or beneficiary
before any monies are disbursed. (N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.23b).
17. Periodic or lump sum payments from State or local agencies, including lotteries, unemployment
compensation, workers’ compensation or other benefits, may be seized or intercepted to satisfy child
support arrearages. (N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.53).
18. If you owe past due child support, your public or private retirement benefits, and assets held in
financial institutions may be attached to satisfy child support arrearages. (N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.53).
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19. A person under a child support obligation, who willfully fails to provide support, may be subject to
criminal penalties under State and Federal law. Such criminal penalties may include imprisonment
and/or fines. (N.J.S.A. 2C:24-5; N.J.S.A. 2C:62-1; 18 U.S.C.A. 22).
20. If this order contains any provision concerning custody and/or parenting time, both parties are
advised: Failure to comply with the custody provisions of this court order may subject you to criminal
penalties under N.J.S.A. 2C:13-4, Interference with Custody. Such criminal penalties include, but
are not limited to, imprisonment, probation, and/or fines.
Si usted deja de cumplir con las clausulas de custodia de esta ordern del tribunal, puede estar sujeto
(sujeta) a castigos criminales conforme a N.J.S.A. 2C:13-4, Interference with Custody,
(Obstruccion de la Custodia). Dichos castigos criminales incluyen pero no se limitan a
encarcelamiento, libertad, multas o una combinacion de los tres.
Promulgated 08/29/11 to be effective 09/01/2011, CN: 10487
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American LegalNet, Inc.