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Refund Application Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Motor Vehicle Commission Statewide.
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Tags: Refund Application, RU-9, New Jersey Statewide, Motor Vehicle Commission
Refund Application ALL SECTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A DETAILED EXPLANATION FOR THE REASON FOR REFUND, MUST BE COMPLETED TO PROCESS YOUR REQUEST. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. SEE BACK OF REFU ND APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL IN FORMATION. APPLICANT Last Name / Business Name First Name Middle Initial Street Address City State Zip Code NJ Driver License Number / Corp Code License Plate Number Daytime Phone or Cell Number TYPE AND REASON FOR REFUND An application is made for a refund of motor v ehicle f ees for the following reason: A. Initial Plates D. Sold Vehicle B. Paid T wice for: E. PAAD, Lifeline or SSI Registration ; Amount P aid: $ F. Dealer E rror Driver License ; Amount P aid: $ C. Overpayment for another reason; give details below (if additional space is needed, attach another sheet : ) I hereby certify that the above information is true and cor rect . I am aware that if the foregoing statements made by me are willfully f alse, I am subject to administrative, civil or criminal penalty . Applicant Name (PRINT) Applicant Signature Date FOR OFFICIAL MVC USE Approved amount : $ MVC Initials: Date: Reason: Rejected / Denied: RU - 9 (R12 /18 ) over NJ MVC/Refund Unit 225 East State Street P.O. Box 403 Trenton, NJ 08 666 - 0403 American LegalNet, Inc. Refund Information The information listed below outlines instances when the NJ MVC can or cannot issue a refund. Please thoroughly review the information below. Only apply for a refund if you meet the criteria All refund requests must be submitted with proper documentation and a completed Refund Application , RU - 9 (R12/18) . Unless another time period is specified, refund applications must be s ubm itted within 90 days of the initial transaction date . Additional documentation may be requested . Refundable Transactions F ees were paid twice for the same document/transaction. O verpayment of a fee includes Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (P AAD), Lifeline or SSI recipient . I nitial/ new license plates and registration were purchased. T he original registration and a copy of the surrender ed plate receipt mus t be included with the refund application. P lates must be surrendered at a n NJ MVC agency . Applications must be submitted within 30 days of the registration issuance. V ehicle was sold or registered out of state after the registration was renewed. The vehicle must have been sold or registered out of state before the new registration year went into effect. EXAMPLE: An owner renews a vehicle registration for September but sells the vehicle on or before Septe mber 30 . Plate s must be surrendered at a n NJ MVC a gency . A copy of the surrender ed plate receipt, original NJ registration and a copy of the out - of - state registration must be submitt ed to the Refund Unit. The dealer purchased initial license plates and registration instead of transferring the existing license plates and the equity remaining on the registration certificate. A copy of the surrendered plate receipt, the original incorrect registration, a copy of the correct registration and a letter from the dealer explaining the error must be included with the refund application. A 4 - year trailer registration has unused full years. License plate s must be surrendered at a n NJ MVC a gency. A copy of the surrender ed plate receipt and orig inal registration must be submitt ed to the Refund Unit. V ehicle is registered in another state or country during the remaining months of regist ration for a U.S. military member. A copy of the out of state registration , copy of military orders and the original NJ registration must be submitt ed to the Refund Unit. Non - refundable Transactions Refunds are not issued for any unused months/years remaining on a driver license. Refunds are not issued for any unused months/years remaining on a regis tration (unless one of the above criteria is met). Refunds are not issued for any temporary registration. Refunds are not issued when registration/plates cannot be transferred between vehicle types. EXAMPLE: Equity remaining in a passenger vehicle registration cann ot be transferred to a truck, van or commercial vehicle or vice - versa. There is no refun d for the plates and registration that were assigned to the first vehicle. Sales tax refunds are only handled by: NJ Division of Taxation, 50 Barr ack Street, Trenton, NJ 08646 The division can be contacted at (609) 292 - 6400. Please do not contact the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission for sales tax refunds. Refunds are not issued for initial license plate and registration fees when purchasing special or personalized license plates. The fee for the special or personalized license plates is in addition to the re gistration fee; special or personalized plates are always replacements for the initial standard license plates. Refunds are not issued for the photo portion of any driver license or identification card fee. Ref unds are not issued for permits. RU - 9 (R12 /18 ) NJ MVC/Refund Unit 225 East State Street P.O. Box 403 Trenton, NJ 08 666 - 0403 American LegalNet, Inc.