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Certification Of Brand Family And Units Sold Form. This is a New Jersey form and can be use in Office Of The Attorney General Statewide.
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Tags: Certification Of Brand Family And Units Sold, NPM-US, New Jersey Statewide, Office Of The Attorney General
State of New Jersey
Certification of Brand Family and
Units Sold
Part 1: Certification Year and Type of
CertitìcaiIon Ye:ir: Complete a separate f0l11 for each certification year for which you
arcccrtífying. Ccriilìcaiion year 201 I is for sales made in 2010. (check one)
Type ofCertification: (check one)
Company Name
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Web Address
Name and Title or Person Completing this Fonn
Part 3: Brand Family Certification
(Attach Brands Addendum pages as necessary)
The undersigned manufacturer certifies, under penalty of
perjury, as of
the date oftliis CCl1ifícatiol1, it is a Non-Participating Manufacturer
(NPM) and is in full compliance with NJ.S.A. 52:4Dø 1£1.2.. The undersigned NPM certifies that the following list is a complete list or
of its brand families which are to be deemed to be its cigarettes (including RYO product) for purposes ofNJ.S.A. 52AD-J£1..§. Nothing
in this certification shall limit or otherwise affect the State's right to maintain that a brand family constitutes cigarettes or roll-your-own
tobacco of a different tobacco product manufacturer for purposes ofNJ.S.A. 52:4D-l£..~. Include with your certification sample
packaging for each brand family named. If you have previouslv supplied packaging to the Attorney General, and if
the packaging has not
changed, samples need not be supplied with this certification. You must submit new packaging each time you change your packaging or
add new brand familes.
Rcpon Units Sold in Stick.~ for Cigareltes
:md in Ounces for RYO
Brand Family
Check One
Units Sold in
Units Sold in
Check Here
if packaging
submitted and
is unchanged,
Check Here if
your cigarettcí
RYO has a
flavor other
menthol, clove
or tobacco,
52:4D- i G.d.
o Cigarette
o Cìg:m::ne
o Cigarette
o Cigarette
o Cigarette
o Cigarene
Total of RYO Ounces
Total of Cigarette Sticks
American LegalNet, Inc.
New Jersey
State of
Certification of Brand Family and
Page 2 of 4
Units Sold
Part 4: Certifcation of Escrow Acconnt and Agreement
The NPM certifies that it has established, and continues to maintain, a fully funded, qualified escrow account, pursuant 10 N.JS'.A. 52:40-1
N. ff.
Name of Financial Instítution (Escrow Agent)
Mailing Address
Contact Person
Contact E~Maii
Escrow Account Number
Total amount held in this 3ccount for the Staii: orNew Jersey
New Jersey Sub-Account Number
Arc funds held for the benefit of
the State of
l(yolJ answered "yes," write the (Ow,1 amount of
Zip Code
New Jersey in any account other than that listed above?
all funds thai arc bcìng held in any account for the bcncÎli oCtlie Slale of
Nc\v Jersey, ìncludìni. ¡he amOlllt lisled above.
Has the Qualified Escrow Agreement been approved by the Attomey General?
Attach an executed copy of your current escrow agreement whether or not it
has already been approved by the Attorney General.
o No
o No
Dale of Agrccmeni;
Approval Date:
Part 5: Worksheet for Cigarettes Sold Dnring Liabilty Year
Refer to \Vorkshcet at left to calculate the number of individual
cigarettes bearing New Jersey cigarette tax stamps, including roll-
Total ofRYO Ounces
your-own tobacco (.09 ounces = 1 cigarette), which were
manufactured by this manufacturer and sold in New Jersey during
R YO Stìck Calculation (Divide
this reporting period.
RYO Ounces by .09)
Certifcation Year 2011 \Vorksheet is for sales made in 2010:
Total of Cigarette Stick..
from Part)
Total NPM Sales
Please convert pounds to ounces before using this \\'orksheet.
(Multiply by 16 for each pound.)
(Add RYO $tìck Calculation
to Total of Cigar
cue Sticks)
Part 6: Deposit Amonnt Use the rdtes listed below to figure the appropriate deposit amount.
For the liabilty year 2010 the rate pcr cigarette is . . . ....... .....................$ 0.0188482
For the 201 0 liability period, the int1ation adjustment pcrcelHage is.. . .. ........m..... 45.55773%
SO.OI 88482 x OA555i73 "" Escrow amount owed per stick, adjusted for ínl1atíon.
Collact the New Jersey Offiæ oftJie Attorney Generalfor rates
for prei'ioiisyears.
Enter the escrow amount owed per siick, adjusted by iní1atioii.
2 Wrile the amount ofToial NP~-I Sales C;¡Jculaied in Part 5 of
this worksheet. 2
S 0.0274350
3 fI.1ultiply Linc i by Line 2 and wrìtc down this number. This is the total amount to be paid into the escro\v account 3
for this ¡¡ability year by the m:muf;ictuler identifed in Part 2 of this \vorksheeL
4 Enter the total ¡imOllnl paid into ¡he escrow account for this Iiabìlty year.
4 S
5 Amount over/under-paid (DifTerence between Line 4 and Line 3.)
Provide explanation if not zero.
5 S
Note: Attach a copy of your receipt or other proof of deposit fi'om your financial institution.
American LegalNet, Inc.
State of
New Jersey
Certification of Brand Family and
U nits Sold
Part 7: Certifcation of Deposits, Withdrawals and Transfers
Page 3 of 4
Attach separate page for each siib~account.
TI1C NPM ccltifics thc following to be a complete record of each deposit and withdrawal or transfer which has occulTed from any and all
accounts containing funds held for the benefit of the State of New Jersey. Report ending balances of all such accounts, even where no
dcposÎts or withdrawals occurred. Attach copies ofrccords of
the financial institution documenting any account activity.
New Jersey Sub-Account Number
Name of Financial Institution (Escrow Agent)
Withdrawal or Transfer
Deposit Amount
Explanation for \Vìthdrawal or Tr.msfer
Ending Balance for this New Jersey Sub-Account
American LegalNet, Inc.
New Jersey
State of
Certiication of Brand Family and
Page 4 of 4
Units Sold
Part 8: Designated Contact
Company Name
¡".1aiiing Address
Zip Code
I Couniry
Part 9: Mannfaeturer Certifcation
perjury, I state that, to the best of my knowledge, all of
the infoniiaiion contained in this Certification and any aiiachcd documents arc
true and accurate and thai I am a person authorized to bind the manufacturer making ihis certification ciihcr _under the Jaws of the State of New Jersey or
ofilicjurisdiciion where the manufacturer resides or is organized.
I understand thaI the Attorney General may require additional infomiaiioii and/or
Under penalties of
documentation to determine whether the manufacturer qualifi¡;'S for listing on the New Jersey Directory. 11iis dociimem must he .'giied and dated by UJI
authorized !Jotary public.
NPM Authorized Designee (Prim Name)
Signature ofNPM Authorized Designee
Subscribed and s\voii 10
before me this date:
Signature or
Natary Public
Commission Expires
Checklist of required documeuts
o NPM-US CcrtiJication of Brand Family and Uniis Sold
o Sample packaging for each brand family identified in Part 3
(unless previously supplied and it has not changed)
o NPM-A Certification of Appoìntl1cni of Agent for Service of
Process and auachmenis
o Proof of Deposit for Part 6
o NP1VI-AI Certìfication of Additional Infomiation
o Bank records confirming deposits, withdrawals or transfers
for Part 7
o NPM-S NOI1~Partìcipating Manufacturer's Sales hifomiatíon
o Any Brands Addendum pages for Part 3 Brand Family
o Qualified Escrow Agn'ciient (unless prevìously approved)
o Any Accounts Addendum pages for Part 7 Certification of
Deposits, Withdrawals and Transfers
Mail to For Additional Information
Submit the completed certificaiìon and other required
documentation to the Tobacco Enforcement aiihis address:
Phone DAG Glenn T, Graham at 973-648-7457
New Jersey Attorney General's Oflce
124 Halsey Street
p,O, Box 45029
Newark, New Jersey 07101
Attn: DAG Glenn T, Graham
Rev. 2/10/2011
American LegalNet, Inc.
New Jersey
State of
Certifcation of Brand Family and
Units Sold
General Information
Where do I send my completed Certification'!
Mail this completed Certification (NPM-US), the NPM-A fom1
Who must fie this Certification '!
(Certification of Appointment of Agent for Service of Process), the
Any Non~Pal1icìpatìrig Manufacturer whose cigarettes or roll-your-
own tobacco (RYO) were sold in New Jersey during the preceding
calendar year or who intend for their brands to be lisled as
compliant in the New Jersey Attorney Generals Manufacturers
Participating Manufacturer's Sales lnfonnaiion) and related documents
NPM-AI (Certification of Additional
Information), NPM-S (Non-
Dìrectory_ If a brand is not listed in this certifcation, it wil not
New Jersey Attorney General's Offce
be listed in the Directory.
Tobacco Enforcement
What is a Non-Participating Mannfactnrer'!
P.O, Box 45029
Newark, New Jcrsey 07101
124 Halsey Street
A Non-Participating Manutàcturcr (NPM) is any cigarette
(including RYO) manufacturer who has not signed on to the
tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA).
Specific Instructions
It is unlawful to stamp or offer for sale in the State of New
.Jersey any cigarette or RYO brand which is not included in the
Ncu' Jersey Attorney Generals Manufacturers Directory. NonParticipating Manufacturers wil receive written notification
when their brands have been deemed compliant for sale in New
Part 1: Certifcation Year and Type of Certifcation
Check appropriate certification year. Vou must submit a separdte
certification for each year you are certifying.
What is a qualified escrow fund'!
An escro\V arrangement with a U.S. federal or U.S. slale chartered
IÌnancial institution having no affliation with any Tobacco Product
Manufacturer and having assets of
at least one bîlion dollars
"Other" is checked, enter liability year for which cCI1ification is
being provided.
Check whether this is an initial (manufacturer is not currently listed
15, 2011 for 2010
on the New Jersey Directory), annual (due April
sales) or supplemental (change of information provided to the
Attol1ey General) certification.
($ I ,000,000,000) where such arrangement requires that the
financial institution hold the escrowed funds' principal for the
benefit of Releasing Parties and prohibits the Tobacco Product
Manufacturer placing the funds into escrow from using, accessing
or directing the use of
the funds' principal except as consistent with
the applicable NPM Statutes.
Part 2: Mannfacturer Identification
Provide your company name, address, phone, fax, web address, FEIN,
and name and title of
person completing the form.
Part 3: Brand Family Certification
A 11 funds shall be held by the Escrow Agent in sub~accounts
separate and apart from al i other funds and sub~accounts of each
Beneficiary State.
Fabricator: Entity that assembles the tobacco product for consumer
use, i.e., assembles tobacco into cigarettes or blends and packages
tobacco into RYO tobacco.
Brand Family: Provide the brand name, which may include many
When mnst I make my escrow payment'
brand styles (menthol, 100'5, etc.).
You must deposit all escrow payments into your qualified escrow
fund on or before April i 5 each year. A fter you have made your
deposit, provide a copy of your receipt or other proof of deposit
from your financial institution, along with your escrow agreement,
any amendments and this certification.
each Brand Family of all cigarettes that the company
intends to sell in New Jersey, either directly or indirectly through any
distributor, wholesale dealer, retailer or similar intemiediary, and
seeks to have included in the Directory.
Flavoring: Identify RYO, cigarettes or a component part thereof
causes cigarettes or smoke from them to have a characterizing flavor
other than menthol, clove or tobacco.
ffmore than one company manufactures a brand you arc certifying
(e.g., you manufacture only the RVO or only the menthol cigarettes,
etc. for a given brand), provide a written explanation of which brand
styles you manufacture. Identify the other manufacturer by name and
address, and provide a list of
brand styles they manufacture, if
Updates required
The NPM shall update its certification list at least 30 days prior to
any addition to or modification of
the NPM's brand families by
executing and delivering a supplemental cenification to the
Attorney General.
When is this Certification due'!
known. If
the identity of
the other manutàcturer is unknown, provide
The annual Certification must be fied with the Attorney General no
later than April i 5 of each year for the preceding year. An initìal
certification may be fied at any time.
the trademark owner for the brand. Only one
company can certify for a brand family.
Check whether the product is cigarettes or RYO.
the name and address of
Where a brand is offered as both cigarettes and RVO, make a
separate entry for each.
Units sold: List the total RYO ounces and total cigarette sticks
separately for both the preceding calendar year and the current
American LegalNet, Inc.
calendar .year (as of
the date of certification).
If you \vere not the manufacturer of a listed brand in the
preceding year, identify by name and address the manufacturers
of such Brand Families.
Provide original packaging for one brand style which is
representative of each brand family to be certified. Flat, empty
cartons arc preferred. If
you have previously supplied packaging
to the Attoiiey General and if
the packaging has not changed,
samples need not be supplied with this certification. Place a
check mark in the column provided for each brand family to
which this applies. Submit new pack¡~ging each time you change
Attach proof of deposit(s) from your financi~ii institution. Proof must
include the account number of
the New Jersey sub-account, the date
of deposit, and the amount or deposit. Such proof can be submitted
as a letter from the bank.
Provide an explanation for any discrepancy between the amounts
listed on Lines 3 and 4.
Part 7: Certification of Deposits, Withdrawals, and
Use a separate page for each account or sub-account in which funds
the State of
New Jersey.
Identify the New Jersey sub-account number and escrow agent
(financial institution).
Provide dates and amounts of deposits, withdrawals, and transfers for
all activity prior to the date of certification.
For ANY withdrawal or transfer, you must provide a brief
are held for the benefit of
your packaging or add new brand families.
The Attorney General may require a tobacco product
manufacturer to submit any additional infonnation including,
but not limited to, samples of
the packaging or labeling of each
brand family as is necessary to enable the Attorney General 10
detennine whether a tobacco product manufacturer is in
compliance with N.J.S.A. 52:4D.I £.. §£.
For initial cel1ification under NJ.S.A. 52:40- i £1. S£., provide all
Part 4: Certification of Escrow Account and
Identify the name, address, phone and fax number for the
financial institution (escrow agent) where the NPM has
established a qualified Escrow Fund pursuant to N.J.S.A.
52:4D-1 £1. ô£.
Provide the name and e-mail address for a contact person at the
deposit, withdrawal, or transfer activity (for each account) for the
entire time each account has been funded.
For any accounts where New Jersey funds are NOT held separate and
apart from that of other states, all activity must be repolted,
regardless of
whether it involves funds held for the State of
Provide records from the Financial Institution to document any
account activity.
financial institution.
Escrow Account Number: Provide the account number for the
main escrow account, if one exists.
New Jersey Sub-Account Number: Provide the account number
for the New Jersey sub-account to which a deposit or deposits
have been made for the liability year identified in Part 5.
Total amount held in this account for the State of
New Jersey:
Amount held in the New Jersey sub-account identified as of
date of certification.
If there arc any other account~ held for the benefit of
the State
of New Jersey, provide the total amounts held in these accounts
the date of
(including the sub-account listed in Part 4) as of
If your escrow agreement has been approved by the Attomcy
General under N.J.S.A. 52:4D-I £1. §£. check "Yes." Please
provide the effective date of
the Escrow Agreement as well as
the date of approval by the Attorney General.
If your escrow agreement has not been approved by the Attorney
Part 8: Designated Contact
Provide the name, title, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail
address for the individual the Attorney General should contact with
respect to matters relating to this CCl1ification. The designated contact is
the individual who will receive Attorney General mailings, including the
annual certification mailing.
Part 9: Manufacturer Certification
The authorized designee executing the certification must be an offcer,
principal, director or other authorized representative ofihe
manufacturer. The authorized designee's name and title must be legibly
printed and the signature must be notarized.
Rev. 2/10/2011
General under NJ.S.A. 52:4D~1 .£. §.. check "No" and allacli
an executed copy.
Part 5: Worksheet for Cigarettes Sold During
Liabilty Y car
Use the instructions in the worksheet to convert RYO product to
sticks and combine it with the cigarette stick count for the liability
yeaL The result of
this calculation will be used to detcnnine the
deposit amount in Part 6.
Part 6: Deposit Amount
Use Lìnes i through 3 to calculate the total amount to be paid
into escrow for the liability year identified in Part 5.
The amount
listed on Line 4 should include the total orany
quarterly, reconciliation, or other payments which have been
made for the liability year identified in Part 5, as of
the date of
111e amount listed on Line 5 is the difference, if any, between
the amounts listed on Line 3 and Line 4.
American LegalNet, Inc.