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Audio Recording Copy Request Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Audio Recording Copy Request, 2, New Mexico Federal, Bankruptcy Court
United States Bankruptcy Court
District of New Mexico
PO Box 546
Albuquerque NM 87103-0546
(505) 348-2500
A copy of an audio recording of a matter heard by Judge Starzynski (since March 1, 2004) or by Judge
McFeeley (since February 1, 2006) or by Judge Jacobvitz (since August 10, 2009) is available for a fee
of $26.00 per CD or e-mail. Completed request forms may be faxed to 505-348-2473 or e-mailed to Do not e-mail credit card information. The Clerk’s Office will process
the request within two business days of receiving payment. Note: For matters heard by Judge
Starzynski prior to March 1, 2004, and by Judge McFeeley prior to February 1, 2006, transcripts are
available from contract court reporter Joe Jameson at Kendra Tellez Reporting, 505-242-2809,300
Central Avenue SW, Suite 1500E, Albuquerque, NM 87102-3293.
Date: ________ Requester: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Address:_____________________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________
Method of payment:
Check here
Method of retrieval:
Date and Time
of Hearing
Credit Card2
if you are an authorized court transcriber. If so, no fee is due.
Will pick up CD
Location of Hearing
Mail CD to me
E-mail the file(s) to me
Case Name and Number
Description of Matter Heard
1. _____________
Courtroom or
Hearing room
2. _____________
Courtroom or
Hearing room
3. _____________
Courtroom or
Hearing room
Number of CDs/e-mails____ x $26 per copy = $________. Date paid: _________ Receipt #:__________
CREDIT CARD PAYMENT (keep form for 60 days)
TYPE: MasterCard
American Express
Diners Club
EXPIRES: ___________
Speak to cardholder. Charge authorized by (name of cardholder)_____________
on (date) ________________.
Checks must be payable to U. S. Bankruptcy Court Clerk. Debtors in pending cases who have not been
discharged may not pay by personal check or credit card; please pay by money order or cashiers check or cash
(amount remitted must be exact; the Clerk’s Office does not make change).
Credit cards: we will call (1) to inform you of the total amount due; (2) to obtain credit card information;
and (3) to obtain charge approval from cardholder (the person whose name is on the card.)
F:\FORMS\BY NUMBER\form 2.wpd
rev 10/28/09
American LegalNet, Inc.