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STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Plaintiff, vs. Case No.: D- -CV- Defendant. TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER THIS MATTER came before the Court on Application and the Court, being fully advised, FINDS: 1. Immediate and irreparable injury will result to the Plaintiff if a restraining order is not issued immediately as requested by Plaintiff. 2. No notice need be given to Defendant as required by the Rules of Civil Procedure. 3. There are good grounds to show a preliminary injunction may be needed in this case. 4. This order shall be effective for a period of ten days unless extended or modified. 5. No bond is necessary. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that: Defendant not threaten, harm, alarm or annoy Plaintiff. Defendant not threaten, harm, alarm or annoy Plaintiff or Plaintiff=s family and household as named here: Defendant stay at least yards away from Plaintiff and from Plaintiff=s residence, workplace and children=s school. Defendant not telephone Plaintiff or contact Plaintiff in any way, either directly or through others; Defendant not block Plaintiff in public places or roads; Further, Defendant is ordered not to do the following: . American LegalNet, Inc. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendant appear and show cause before the Court why the Temporary Restraining Order should not be extended or a preliminary injunction issued as Plaintiff requests by appearing before the Court in the Los Alamos Justice Center, 2500 Trinity Drive, Suite D, Los Alamos, New Mexico as follows: Date: Time: In the Courtroom of the Honorable Judge . District Judge Date Issued: Time Issued: American LegalNet, Inc.