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STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT No. Plaintiff, vs. Defendant. ANSWER In response to the Complaint, Defendant, , appearing Pro Se, states: 1.Defendant admits the allegations contained in Paragraphs of Plaintiff's Complaint. 2.Defendant denies the allegations contained in Paragraphs of Plaintiff's Complaint. 3.Defendant has insufficient information, knowledge, and/or belief as to the truth ofallegations contained in Paragraphs of Plaintiff's Complaint and therefore denies the same. 4.State any other facts that you believe are important to this case: This form is for suggested use only. 1 Please seek the advice of an attorney as to your rights and obligations under the law. American LegalNet, Inc. WHEREFORE, the Defendant requests the Court to: 12. 3. 4. 5.Award any additional and further relief that the Court may deem appropriate.Respectfully Submitted, Signature Name Address Telephone I hereby certify that on , 20 a true copy of the foregoing pleading was mailed,[ hand-delivered, or[ ] faxed to: (Name of Plaintiff) at ( Address or Fax Number) By: (Name) This form is for suggested use only. Pleas e seek the advice of an attorney as to your rights and obligations under the law. 2 American LegalNet, Inc.