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New Mexico Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. SUBMIT AN ORIGINAL $80 TOTAL FILING FEE ($50-FORMATION) ($20-ANNUAL LICENSE-MUST BE RENEWED YEARLY) ($10 CERTIFIED COPY) DOMESTIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The undersigned do hereby certify that we on this day formed a Cooperative Association (53-4-1 to 53-4-45 NMSA 1978) under the laws of the State of New Mexico, and we further certify: ARTICLE ONE: The name of the cooperative association is: ARTICLE TWO: The purpose of the association is: ARTICLE THREE: (1)The name of the registered agent is (The RA must be an individual resident or a registered in NM): (2)The New Mexico street address of the initial registered agent is (Must be a physical address): (3)The street AND mailing address of the principal office is: ARTICLE FOUR: The period of existence is: New Mexico Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 American LegalNet, Inc. ARTICLE FIVE: The names and addresses of the incorporators are (Minimum of 5 if the incorporators are individuals. If the incorporators are two or more associations, please provide the names and addresses of the presidents and secretaries. Attach a schedule if needed): ARTICLE SIX: The names and addresses of the directors who shall manage the affairs of the association for the first year, unless sooner changed are (Minimum of 5. Attach an additional page if needed): ARTICLE SEVEN (Choose only the applicable option): The association is organized without shares, and the memberships subscribed for is . OR The association is organized with shares. The amount authorized capital, the number of types of shares and the par value thereof, which may be placed at any figure and the rights preferences and restrictions of each type of share is: ARTICLE EIGHT: The minimum number of shares which must be owned in order to qualify for membership is: American LegalNet, Inc. ARTICLE NINE: The maximum amount of percentage of capital which may be owned or controlled by any member is: ARTICLE TEN: The method by which any surplus, upon dissolution of the association, shall be distributed, in conformity with the requirements of Section 36 (53-4-36) herein for division of such surplus is: Dated: Signatures of Incorporators Printed Names State of: County of: On this day of before me personally appeared who executed the forgoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act. My commission expires: Notary Public Seal American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc. DOCUMENT DELIVERY INSTRUCTION FORM (You must have one Document Delivery Instruction Form for each filing being submitted) Entity Name: Mailing Address (Include city, state and zip code): Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Contact Email: IF YOU HAVE SELECTED TO PICK UP YOUR DOCUMENTS, OUR OFFICE WILL CONTACT YOU WHEN YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLETED AND READY FOR PICK UP. DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE HELD FOR MORE THAN 5 BUSINESS DAYS. IF YOU HAVE NOT PICKED THEM UP WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME, THEY WILL BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT 800-477-3632 AND NOTIFY US IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO PICK THEM UP WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME. ---THANK YOU New Mexico Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 Please check how the documents are to be delivered Will Pick Up Mail to Address Above American LegalNet, Inc.