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(53-19- NMSA 1978) made payable to the New Secretary of State. The Articles of Dissolution shall be executed (signed) by the persons named in the Articles of Dissolution as having authority to wind up the business and affairs of the company, with the printed name next to each signature and the capacity in which he/she signs. Please refer to the New Mexico Limited Liability Company Act (53-19-1 to 53-19-74 NMSA 1978) for the complete statutes governing a limited liability company. The can only act in an administrative capacity. We cannot offer you legal advice or opinion on your particular filing. We recommend that you consult with your own attorney and accountant if you have any legal questions concerning your limited liability company. INCLUDED IN THIS PACKET ARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING OUR FORMS. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. New Mexico Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 American LegalNet, Inc. Enter the complete limited liability company name, as it currently appears on the records of the , and the NM #. (Part One) Enter the date the original Articles of Organization were filed with the .(Part Two) Enter the dates any amendments and/or restatements to the Articles of Organization were filed with the . Select the applicable statement pertaining to the particular event causing the dissolution. The articles will be effective on the date of filing with the , or on the date (month/day/year) specified in this article. Enter the name and address of each person who has authority to act for the company in connection with the winding up of its business and affairs, which may be the person designated in writing by members holding a majority of the voting power of all members, or the members or managers who have authority to manage the limited liability company, or a court, or as may be otherwise provided in the Articles of Organization or an operating agreement. Check 223YES224 only if this statement is applicable. Enter the date the document was executed (signed). The articles must be signed by each person named in Article Five. The printed name and the capacity in which the person is signing must appear next to each signature. American LegalNet, Inc. SUBMIT ORIGINAL AND A COPY TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY L The undersigned, acting with authority under Section 53-19-41 NMSA 1978 of the New Mexico Limited Liability Company Act, adopt the following Articles of Dissolution: ARTICLE ONE: : ARTICLE TWO: The date of filing of the Articles of Organization is: The dates of filing of any amendments and restatements to the Articles of Organization are: ARTICLE THREE: The event causing the dissolution is (select the applicable statement): an event specified in the Articles of Organization or an operating agreement, which is as follows (describe the specific event; attach additional page if needed): upon the written consent of members having a majority share of the voting power of all members. a majority interest of the remaining members do not give their written consent to continue the business of the limited liability company within ninety days after the occurrence of an event of dissociation. ARTICLE FOUR: If the articles are not to be effective upon filing, the effective date is: ARTICLE FIVE: The name and address of each person who has authority to act for the limited liability company in connection with the winding up of its business and affairs is: NAME ADDRESS ARTICLE SIX (check only if applicable): YES The winding up of the business and affairs of the limited liability company is being supervised by a court pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (2) of Subsection A of Section 42 (53-19-42 NMSA 1978) of the Limited Liability Company Act. Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 New Mexico Form DLLC-DV (revised ) American LegalNet, Inc. Dated: Signatures of persons authorized to act for the limited liability company: Printed name and title: American LegalNet, Inc. DOCUMENT DELIVERY INSTRUCTION FORM (You must have one Document Delivery Instruction Form for each filing being submitted) Entity Name: Mailing Address (Include city, state and zip code): Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Contact Email: IF YOU HAVE SELECTED TO PICK UP YOUR DOCUMENTS, OUR OFFICE WILL CONTACT YOU WHEN YOUR DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLETED AND READY FOR PICK UP. DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE HELD FOR MORE THAN 5 BUSINESS DAYS. IF YOU HAVE NOT PICKED THEM UP WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME, THEY WILL BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT 800-477-3632 AND NOTIFY US IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO PICK THEM UP WITHIN THAT TIME FRAME. ---THANK YOU New Mexico Secretary of State Business Services Division 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 267 Santa Fe, NM 87501 (800)477-3632 267 Please check how the documents are to be delivered Will Pick Up Mail to Address Above American LegalNet, Inc.