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Criminal Complaint Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
Tags: Criminal Complaint, 9-201, New Mexico Statewide, Criminal
9-201. Criminal complaint. [For use with District Court Rule 5-201 NMRA, Magistrate Court Rule 6-201 NMRA, Metropolitan Court Rule 7-201 NMRA and Municipal Court Rule 8-201 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICO [COUNTY OF ___________________] [CITY OF _______________________] __________________ COURT [STATE OF NEW MEXICO] [COUNTY OF ___________________] [CITY OF _______________________] v. No. __________ __________________________________________, Defendant. CRIMINAL COMPLAINT CRIME: _______________________________________________________________________ (common name of offense or offenses) The undersigned, under penalty of perjury, complains and says that on or about the _____________________ day of ____________________, ______________, in the County of _________________________, State of New Mexico, the above-named defendant(s) did: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________(here state the essential facts) contrary to Sections(s) ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ [NMSA 1978] (set forth applicable section number of New Mexico statute, municipal code, or ordinance, and date of adoption). I SWEAR OR AFFIRM UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH ABOVE ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY INFORMATION AND BELIEF. I UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO THE PENALTY OF IMPRISONMENT TO MAKE A FALSE STATEMENT IN A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT. ______________________________ Complainant American LegalNet, Inc. ______________________________ Title (if any) Approved: ______________________________ ______________________________ Title (Optional: Criminal Form 9-207A NMRA is available in lieu of completing this section of Criminal Form 9-201 NMRA.) If Probable Cause Determination Required: [] [] Probable Cause Found Probable Cause Not Found, and Defendant Released from Custody Judge: ____________________ Date: ____________________ Time: ____________________ [As amended, effective September 1, 1990; April 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; as amended by Supreme Court Order No.13-8300-020, effective for all cases pending or filed on or after December 31, 2013.] American LegalNet, Inc.