Notice Of Forfeiture And Hearing
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Notice Of Forfeiture And Order To Show Cause Form. This is a New Mexico form and can be use in Criminal Statewide.
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Tags: Notice Of Forfeiture And Order To Show Cause, 9-307, New Mexico Statewide, Criminal
9-307. Notice of forfeiture and hearing. [For use with District Court Rule 5-406 NMRA, Magistrate Court Rule 6-406 NMRA, Metropolitan Court Rule 7-406 NMRA and Municipal Court Rule 8-406 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICO [COUNTY OF ] [CITY OF ] COURT [STATE OF NEW MEXICO] [COUNTY OF ] [CITY OF ] v.No. , Defendant[and, (surety), (surety)] NOTICE OF FORFEITURE AND HEARING TO: defendant address surety address surety address You and each of you are hereby notified that the bond in this case has been forfeited because of afailure of the defendant to appear before the court as required. IT IS ORDERED that you appear on the day of , , at [a.m.] [p.m.], before this court at , New Mexico, for ahearing to determine whether a judgment of default should be entered against you, jointly andseverally, for the amount of the bond or bonds executed in this case. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that if you fail to appear as required by this order, a judgmentof default will be entered against you, and if the judgment of default is not paid within ten (10)days, action may be taken to collect the full amount of the bond. American LegalNet, Inc. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Notice of Forfeiture and Hearing be forthwith mailed bythe clerk of the court to each of the persons named above at their last known addresses and to allattorneys of record. Judge [Adopted, effective October 1, 1987; as amended by Supreme Court Order 07-8300-29, effectiveDecember 10, 2007; as amended by Supreme Court Order No. 17-8300-005, effective for allcases pending or filed on or after July 1, 2017.] American LegalNet, Inc.